Justice Mine: a Base Branch Novel

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Book: Read Justice Mine: a Base Branch Novel for Free Online
Authors: Megan Mitcham
swayed slightly, but maintained her lick-my-boot posture.
    “Now, where’s your room?”
    Both of Law’s brows stood at attention—along with his dick—while her brows couldn’t possibly go any lower without her entire body falling forward.
    “I’m not trying to crawl in bed with you,” she shot off. “In fact, I want to know so I can stay as far away from you as possible.”
    Law nodded and fancied a good palm to his forehead. He didn’t want her upset. “I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s late and we’re both a bit crabby.”
    “Crabby?” She yelled the question then turned on her heels and hobbled, lugging the oversized travel bag through the kitchen toward the grand staircase.
    “Any one of the rooms on Baine’s wing are ready for guests,” he called.
    She didn’t respond, only kept lurching until she disappeared behind the kitchen partition. Law braced his hands against the counter and exhaled roughly.
    It’s going to be a long damn night.

    M agdalena jerked awake , her entire body tense. Her eyes opened then blinked into uncomfortable clarity the rays of daylight filtering through the windows. The room greeted her with familiar warmth and she slumped back into the fluffy down. Tiny dust motes launched into the air and wafted through the streaks of day in no hurry to see the yet discovered world. She smiled. If her dad knew there was the slightest form of dust in the house he would have a shit fit. Then again, maybe not. Ruth seemed to occupy a swell chunk of the old bird’s time these days. Her smile widened. Good for him. He deserves happiness. And the stupid grin he had on his face when he finally introduced them yesterday showed her how happy the silver haired beauty made him.
    The windowpanes rattled in their old, perfectly manicured frames and Mags’ heart revved with the growling engine passing outside. She scrubbed a hand over her face at the passing motorist and groaned at the slick of slobber covering her jaw. “Disgusting.” When the roaring engine refused to dissipate, Mags shrieked in annoyance. “For the love of all that’s holy.”
    Using the back of her hand she wiped away the evidence of her sleep coma. Well, she rid it from her face anyway. Since it already had slobber spots, she rubbed the moisture from her hand onto the pillow. The bloody racket continued to repel the sacred morning quiet.
    By damn, enough already.
    Magdalena threw back the covering. The anger she’d not slept off roiled to the surface and mixed with new rage at the audacity of some people. This was a rural neighborhood. Not a drag strip, for the love. She launched from the bed. Her bare feet met an antique Persian rug that should be hung in a museum, not stomped over by indignant feet. She stomped over it all the same, making her way to the closest of two floor-to-ceiling dormer windows in the space.
    “I just got to sleep, damn you,” she hollered at the offending motorist and no one at all. No one could hear a damn thing above the din of some ridiculous number of horses in a blasted engine.
    As she closed in on the window she realized she faced the back of the property. The green grass and blossom covered garden stretched out before her and her mind took a side street to a forbidden destination. Law Pierce’s green-god eyes. Enraged at herself now, as well as the noise, Magdalena beat her fist against the window.
    “Belt up, would you? It’s too bloody early for all that prattle.”
    Miracle of miracles, the engine died down and she was suddenly the loudest thing in a ten-block radius. Mags gave the glass one more whack, but her clutched hand stalled like the roar of the fat black and silver motorcycle Law squatted beside. Apparently the man had a problem with clothing. He rose from the beastly machine, showcasing the most adulterating display of masculinity she’d ever seen in real life. Magazines and fashion week didn’t count. Even if they did, they’d lose to this package of sexy

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