Jethro 3: No Place Like Home

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Book: Read Jethro 3: No Place Like Home for Free Online
Authors: Chris Hechtl
in house, in the enlisted quarters to keep an incident from happening. Stop it somewhere at the NCO level with the ship's bosun. No such luck. A simple mistake. A misreading could have explained it away, but logs showed that the tech involved, Spaceman Miller, hadn't checked when he was supposed to do so. Lying about it made it worse; it kicked off a more grim investigation. Jethro was called in to testify before the XO. Shelby Logan took his statement while the tech stood nearby.
    When Jethro was finished he stood at attention while the XO perused the records. “Meddling panther,” the tech muttered. Commander Logan snarled at him to remain quiet. The tech was put before a Captain's mast and sentenced to a demotion of rank to E-2 Journeyman and forfeiture of one month's pay. The tech was sullen angry with Jethro.
    “Damn nosy cat. Didn't anyone ever tell him curiosity killed the cat?” Mister Miller snarled, fists clenching over and over. “Someone ought to teach him that...” He said with an ugly growl.
    Firefly overheard the tech's vow to get even. “That isn't the proper attitude to take from this, Mister Miller,” the AI said from the overhead. The tech winced, shoulders hunched. He looked up.
    “And definitely not something to be saying about a fellow crewman. I'm going to let it slide as something you are saying in the heat of the moment, Mister Miller, but I'm counseling you on regaining the proper perspective on this situation. It isn't Sergeant McLintock's fault you got caught, it is your own. Lying about it just made it worse. I suggest you learn from the experience and don't do it again.”
    “Aye aye, Sir,” the tech said.
    “Dismissed,” The AI said as the Captain came out of her wardroom. She paused as the tech stalked off.
    “Still a hard head?”
    “A bit, ma'am. His file states that he is a bit of a hot head. Something about an Irish temper, though I'm not certain if the genetic factor is true or not. He isn't happy and has focused negatively on the Sergeant,” the AI replied as Major Pendeckle exited the lift and came over to the Captain.
    “Something up Major?”
    “I was summoned,” the Major said, waving a hand to the ceiling.
    “Oh?” The Captain asked, waving the Marine officer to her wardroom. Since it was near their morning meeting, the Captain waved them off for the moment as they got a cup of coffee. Some of the other officers filed in.
    “What is this about? The meeting?” The Major asked, taking a sip of coffee. “We're still on course right?”
    “Everything there is fine,” Firefly said. “Or within specs. No, I called you, Major, because of the recent incident with Sergeant McLintock and Tech Miller. Specifically, Tech Miller just let slip a bit about how this may not be over.”
    “Miller eh?” Chief Chowler grunted, coming into the compartment. “Him again.”
    “Is he going to be a problem?” The Captain asked.
    “He's a hot head Captain,” Firefly reported. He was duty bound to report the talk to the Captain and to Major Pendeckle since it was a veiled threat against a fellow crew member. He laid out the brief statement and even the recording he had made. “I counseled him over disciplining him, ma'am. I didn't want to make the situation worse. I know you organics tend to, as the expression says, pop off without knowing what comes out of your mouth or meaning it.”
    “True,” Chowler replied. “Miller more than most. He's kept it in check, but I know this is his third demotion in the past two years. Last one was for popping someone in the eye.”
    “If he tried that with the good Sergeant he'd be used as a scratching post,” the Major replied with a snort. “Count on it.”
    The Captain's face was cold. She drummed her fingers in annoyance. “That damn cat...” she growled darkly. She and Jethro had a bit of a history. He had gone out on a limb and killed a group of slimeballs without clearance from the chain of command. That had bothered her,

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