
Read Janet for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Janet for Free Online
Authors: E. L. Todd
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Romantic Erotica
you so much?” I asked, not understanding his random bouts of mood swings.
    He held me while we danced on the floor, the heat in his eyes evident. His emotions were clearly displayed on his face, but they were still difficult to interpret. There were too many to keep track of. “They always call.”
    I stopped immediately. Now I just thought he was cocky. He made me feel excited and nervous, the sweat dripping down the back of my neck, but then I saw the arrogance shine bright. “Well, I didn’t want to.”
    I pulled my hands away. “I should get back to my date.”
    He grabbed me again. “No.”
    I stared him down, pulling my wrist. “Don’t touch me. Give your number to some other girl, one that will actually call.” I turned away but his voice stopped me.
    “I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “Please don’t walk away.”
    When I looked at him, I saw the desperation on his face. He didn’t touch me but I knew he wanted to. “I’m not interested, Scott. Have a good night.” I walked across the room and headed for my seat. He didn’t come after me.
    When I returned to the chair, Ryan was sitting there.
    “Where were you?”
    I ignored the question. I melted when I was with Scott, but then his attitude and cockiness just chased me away. The sexual tension was there, but he was an asshole. I didn’t care how hot a guy was. Even if he was jerk, I wasn’t sticking around.
    Ryan and I looked at the different auctions in the back of the room. When I looked up, I saw Scott glaring at me, eyeing Ryan’s hand on my waist. I ignored him, not giving him the satisfaction of my attention. I knew exactly what kind of guy Scott was. He liked to get his way with women then toss them. Like a spoiled child that didn’t get his way, he hated hearing the word no.
    Ryan bid on a trip to Hawaii, and I picked up the pen then put it down again. After we left the auction room, we spoke to a few guys at the office. They eyed my dress in approval. Every time I looked up, Scott was nearby, staring at me. I felt like he was a shark that was circling me, waiting to take a bite. I stayed close to Ryan, pretending Scott didn’t exist.
    When the night came to end, the host announced the money raised for charity, which would be donated to the children’s hospital to study rare cancers. It was a large sum, more than most people made in a year. I clapped politely then let Ryan take me home.
    When we were in the cab, we didn’t speak. I wasn’t sure how to end the night. Should I kiss him on the cheek? Or should I just shake his hand? I didn’t want to go on another date with him. He was better as a friend than a possible boyfriend. If I didn’t like him, I shouldn’t lie and drag out the affair.
    After we arrived at my apartment, I turned to him. “Thank you for the lovely evening.”
    “Thank you for being my beautiful date,” he said with a smile. His hands were in his pockets. He didn’t seem like he was going to do anything drastic. “I hope you had fun tonight.”
    “It was great,” I lied.
    He smiled. “I don’t care for work functions either. If I wasn’t hoping to make partner someday, I wouldn’t bother.”
    “Well, I think every other guy in the office is going for the same thing.”
    He shrugged. “There is competition in every field.”
    “Good night, Ryan.”
    Ryan stepped toward me and placed his hand on my hip. My breathing hitched when I realized what he was doing. I didn’t want to kiss him. I hated to reject him, but if I didn’t, I would convey the wrong message. I would be stuck on another date, one that would go nowhere. Ryan didn’t seem to recognize my hesitance because he kept going.
    Ryan stopped and turned toward the voice.
    Scott was standing in the hallway. His face appeared neutral, but his eyes conveyed his annoyance.
    I wasn’t sure why he was there. I felt my heart race in my chest.
    Scott came closer to me, pretending he didn’t just sabotage Ryan’s

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