Jaden (St. Sebastians Quartet #1)

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Book: Read Jaden (St. Sebastians Quartet #1) for Free Online
Authors: Heather Elizabeth King
    Clyde pushed his cap aside and wiped at beads of sweat along is forehead. "I wouldn't go there if I were you. Not for all the tea in China."
    "A woman lives out there now. Beryl Chambers."
    "Yeah, I know her. Know of her. She never comes to the mainland, did you know that? Just stays out on that cursed island by herself all the time. It's not natural."
    Kenda stepped closer to Chris, sure he'd misheard. "You've never taken her into town?"
    "Nope. Not once. I make food deliveries once a month, but that's all. Just leave what she ordered at the dock."
    They crossed the rest of the way in silence. On the water, you couldn't see the house. At least not from this side of the island. All Kenda could see were trees.
    "How big is her family?" Kenda asked, as they neared the pier.
    "Oh, I didn't tell you? You're gonna love this. It's just her. She's a widow."
    "One person in that big house? On the island? Does she know about the stories? That might change her mind about living there."
    "I don't know."
    "Well, the realtor would have had to tell her."
    "Yeah, yeah. But I don't think she'd have cared."
    "Wouldn't care that her house is the site of numerous deaths and disappearances? That it's haunted?"
    "Allegedly haunted."
    "Allegedly haunted," Kenda agreed. He didn't believe in ghosts, but you couldn't legally allow someone to purchase a house without disclosing the fact that people all over St. Sebastians believed it was haunted.
    At the pier, they climbed back into the car and started up the steep incline toward the mansion.
    "Who sold her the house?" Kenda asked.
    "Honestly, I have no idea. And it doesn't matter. She's not that kind of person. I've only spoken to her over the phone, but I get the feeling she doesn't go in for hauntings and stuff like that."
    The black fence that enclosed the property came into view. It was about twelve feet high, and grown over with shrubs and weeds. Kenda would have loved to see the house in its heyday, but it had been like this for as long as he could remember.
    The gate was open, so Chris pulled in.
    The state of the property within the gate was even worse than he remembered. The grass was overgrown and there were weeds everywhere. The flagstone path was broken in places, with weeds growing up through cracks and fissures. He knew there was a maze on the property, and he shuddered to think what it would take to get it back in shape. But then he saw the house. It loomed ahead, at the end of the driveway. While the rest of the property was in disrepair, the house continued to look regal and stately. Sure, there were things that would need to be fixed and updated, but from where he was sitting, the house was incredible. It was two stories, but it flowed with the land it was built on, curving off toward the backyard on the right side of the house. The left side of the house was bookended by a patio. Further left of the patio was the garden and maze, although Kenda couldn't see it from the car.
    "Wow!" Kenda said, at last.
    "I know. It's a lot of work, but can you imagine the result?"
    "If I could buy this place, I'd buy it today."
    "You and me both. Oh," Chris pointed out the window. "There she is on the patio."
    They parked, then got out and walked to her, Kenda marveling at the beauty of a woman for the second time in two days. Though, he could tell she was much older than Jaden, she was stunning. Her long, dark hair fell to her waist. He'd never seen a woman with hair that long. Though, he wasn't sure of her heritage. She could have been black, Hispanic, or even Middle Eastern. Her features didn't match any one ethnic group. She was dressed in a flowing green dress that fell to a few inches below her knees. And she had on red heels that should have made it difficult for her to maneuver around the overgrown property. But she didn't look winded or out of sorts when they approached her. Rather, her face seemed to glow with good health, and her smile stunned him anew.
    "Christopher and Kenda

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