Irresistible (Underneath it All Series: Book One) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
when they posted selfies. Women with no roll of fat to be seen anywhere, draped in dresses that were probably the latest and greatest from the runway. They were the stars with their names in the lights and I was barely qualified to be a stand-in. Hell, I was the help. But from the way he was eating me up, bit by bit, you'd think I was the celebrity everyone was pointing their phones at.
    Blushing? whole face was on fire.
    “And who is this?” The blonde's voice held all the incredulity that I felt.
    I blinked, her question almost flying right over my head.
    My name. It was clear he and I knew each other, and she wanted to know how.
    I finally turned my attention back to him, my stomach in knots. Names were never used at The Tower. I had no idea who he was until tonight and as far as he was concerned, I was just some escort.
    I almost gave him a fake name until I realized my name was etched into the name tag affixed to my black dress.
    I opened my mouth, but the blonde stepped in between the two of us, leaning in to do the honors. Her pale eyes narrowed.
    “Sadie,” she said aloud, wrinkling her nose like she'd gotten a whiff of something unpleasant.
    “Sexy Sadie,” he mused, reaching around the baffled blonde and extending his hand. “I'm Jackson. Jackson Colt.”
    It wasn't the first time someone had brought up the song that inspired my name, but it was the first time I didn’t roll my eyes.
    I expected him to awkwardly shake my hand, but he lifted my hand to his mouth instead, brushing his lips across my knuckles.
    I reminded myself to breathe. “Nice to meet you.”
    “Indeed,” he replied, our last encounter blazing in his eyes.
    I was in a sleeveless dress that was sexy and functional, considering all the bodies and motion in the club generally turned The Red Room up a few degrees. It didn't matter. I was sweating. Trembling. Wondering if I'd be jolted awake by a door closing any minute because this was all a dream.
    The cut on my finger tingled and reminded me that I was wide awake. I needed air. Space to clear my head. And I needed to get some fresh drinks before the blonde stomped over to the bar and started complaining about the inept hostess they were stuck with.
    I slowly retracted my hand, my fingertips grazing his skin. Like his fingertips had grazed my inner thighs when he forced me wider, so he could bury his mouth inside me.
    “I-I've gotta grab some fresh drinks for you guys.”
    I was pretty sure the blonde's follow up was, “Finally.” His sounded like, “I'll be waiting.”
    Dashawn asked me if I was alright as I squeezed past him and told him yes, even as the bar spun like some dizzying carnival ride around me. I made my way back to the bar, rattling off an order of top shelf everything and a water for myself. I downed the water in a single gulp and held up my finger for another.
    I gripped the bar with one hand and took my time with the second one. Jackson was just flirting with me. Like he flirted with everyone with a vagina. We weren’t soulmates. We were two people who'd been...intimate. Well, kinda intimate because I wanted to feel his tongue all over me. I wanted him to feel my mouth all over him . And then I wanted to climb on top of him and feel him from the inside. I had quite the list and it was getting longer by the minute. Because of the sex , I reminded myself. The chemistry. That's all this was. Pheromones and hormones. Strictly sex.
    Convinced and armed with my wits and a fresh tray of drinks, I made my way back up the stairs. This time, when I saw Jackson, I didn't trip up. He and another man sat in the center of the space. With caramel skin and green eyes, his friend drew just as much attention as Jackson did, but I had already staked my claim. From the way the blonde slipped onto the arm of Jackson's chair as soon as she saw me, so had she.
    She took her glass of wine with a condescending grin. “So glad I actually get to drink it instead of wear it this time.”

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