Insurrection (Athena Lee Chronicles Book 5)
We were both rattled around a bit but we are OK now.”
    “If you are sure. I have been trying to think like a pirate. I think that life support is their next target.”
    The Lieutenant slowly nodded his head. “You may be right, sir. I still think that they will try a frontal attack to save face. Do we have any idea of where this ship is headed?”
    “The last look we had of navigation showed we are still on the course I laid in, Legation Station.”
    “Captain, why would we be going there still? Do you still think that someone in the local Government is behind this?”
    “We, that is the other officers here, believe that it is Governor Norton. Of late the Governor has been behind several unpopular land deals and new taxes on the Hong Kong farmers. That clip we saw from the rebels may be for real and the Governor may have hired these pirates to help him take over.” Captain Pigot stared out the window at Engineering. “Who knows? Maybe we are wrong and they have all ready changed course and are taking us somewhere worse.”
    “Sir,” the Marine Lieutenant said hesitantly. “Didn’t the engineers rewire the navigational controls? I’m pretty sure I heard Chief Tad say that he did it.”
    The Captain pressed the intercom button on his console. “Ask Chief Tad to come in here please.”
    “I do believe that he may have said that. We'll just have to ask him.”
    The door to ‘his’ office opened and Chief Kościuszko entered the room followed by one of the computer techs. “Sir, did you call for me?”
    Captain Pigot smiled at his old friend. “Tad, have a seat. Did you need something too?”
    “Sir, this is Computer technician Kovak, she is here to disconnect your computers sir. All of them.”
    “Tad! What is going on? I need those to keep track of the pirates and our people.” He watched as the young looking technician disconnected all the systems in the office then short circuited the system. Sparks shot in all directions as the built in computer panel died. With a smile on her face the young woman exited the room.
    ‘What the hell was that? Damn it Tad, what is going on?”
    “I’m sorry sir, but that young woman is the only tech that we have at the moment. She detected a computer intrusion that was just about to compromise everything we’re doing here. Every time you pressed a button in here they could track it from CIC. We couldn’t take any chances.” The Chief smiled and looked down at the table. “If its any consolation, she shut down all the computers except for those in the engine room. We separated them from the system so the pirates couldn't take control of engines, too.”
    “Too? What else do they control?”
    The Chief looked grim. “They gained control of of life support about an hour ago. My engineers are trying to get the system back under our control but, whoever they have over there is a kick-ass computer specialist.”
    One of the Marines raised his hand like he was in school. “Uh, sirs? Why don’t we shut down the system on our end?”
    The officers all looked at the Marine in surprise. “Shut it down? What about life support for us? Without it we die! Explain yourself Marine.” Lieutenant Mutai looked mad.
    Private Ascot cleared his throat and spoke. “Sir, you said yourself that we’re still on our way to Legation Station. Uh, Chief Tad, we are, aren’t we?” The Chief nodded. “If we’re still on course then we should be there in less than a day. My parents own a small freighter, I was born in space. Any spacer brat will tell you that if life support fails not the freak out. Unless the hull is holed due to battle damage the air inside will keep you alive for several days a week at least. Plenty of time for a rescue or for us the recapture the ship.”
    “Out of the mouths of babes…” The Engineer looked at the Captain. “We have been concentrating on the pirates so much we forgot

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