INK: Blue (INK Trilogy Book 3)

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Book: Read INK: Blue (INK Trilogy Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Al K. Line
who had a lot more life experience and had stayed at the heart of what was left of society, however fragmented it was.
    Michael invited them to take up residence in his home, saying that he planned to stay put for a few weeks maybe, just rest, sunbathe and sit on the roof. He'd had enough adventure for a little while and was physically tired from so much traveling, so he was doing what he often did — picking a comfortable home and staying for anything from a few days to a few weeks, usually until he got bored or felt himself suitably rejuvenated.
    It seemed like Michael had a few favorite places that he took his time to make as comfortable as possible, stocked with necessities, then visited again when his travels took him in the appropriate direction. This was one of his favorites and there was no doubt the view was stunning, the apartment comfortable.
    He was a generous man, and after a little discussion they had decided to take him up on his offer. To Edsel it didn't seem like they had a choice anyway. Aiden fell straight into Michael's company and it was evening before they knew it, so with no other plans they agreed to stay.
    The next few days saw Aiden and Michael spend a lot of time together, and all four of them wandered around the town with Michael pointing out things of interest, also discussing where would be best to travel to and what they could expect.
    Edsel was surprised to hear that Michael traveled quite as much as he did, thinking that the more you did then the higher the risk of encountering people you really should try to avoid. But Michael seemed to think of things differently, obviously a keen adventurer believing that the new things he learned were more than worth the risk. He had to admit it, he admired the old man.
    Once they felt settled and had brought more of their belongings from the boat into the apartment, Edsel began to understand just how much he had missed being surrounded by what was, after all, home. It was as if life on the island had put them into a kind of happy stupor, wrapped in cotton wool, happy, but forgetting what else there was to life. Now they were back it was clear that all three of them missed what they had thought best to leave behind. Yet there was the constant worry about Aiden and Lash — Edsel's experiences over the years were still too much of a reminder of quite how dangerous life could be, even for the wary.
    Edsel was the first to admit that it came as quite a surprise that he was enjoying being back. He'd hated it when they first arrived, but the old familiarity was a comfort, and there was no denying that it felt like he belonged. But there was still fear.
    After a few days even the fears faded somewhat, and Edsel began to understand that he was enjoying having company, hearing Michael's tall tales, and the concerns over their safety seemed to wake up his body, bring it back to life, almost like a high when rock climbing.
    I need this. I wanted this. Aiden was right.
    Two days after their arrival, and after walking around the town and getting to know their base of operations, it was time to begin exploring in earnest. Michael decided to stay behind, so Edsel, Lash and Aiden packed up some supplies, loaded up three bicycles that would have cost a month's wages back when they were state of the art mountain bikes weighing just a few ounces, and set off for a few days exploring, with the intention of camping as and when they found somewhere that took their fancy.
    As Edsel pedaled gently and stared to the left at Lash and Aiden, he was overcome by just how normal he felt. It was like they were a proper family — off for a day of cycling, a picnic and then camping for the night.
    Like ordinary people do. Or did, anyway.
    Edsel smiled, actually looking forward to the days ahead, pleased that Aiden had convinced them to leave their safe but quiet lives behind.
    Adventure. I missed it.
    Lash smiled back at him, eyes shining, hair blowing behind her, before

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