Inheritance (The Dark Gifts)

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Book: Read Inheritance (The Dark Gifts) for Free Online
Authors: Willow Cross
“Try to understand, children.  Growing up as you did was only out of necessity.  None among us could have possibly taken you in without being discovered for what we are.  If any of us had attempted to foster you, the human world would have been involved.  With welfare case workers and court appointed busybodies, we couldn't have kept our secret long.”
    “So our parents made this cage for us?” Sarah asked
    “No dear.  Your grandparents made this cage for us before we were even born.”  Shana leaned over, and gave her a one-armed hug. 
    Sarah bristled at the physical contact.  It all felt too forced.  Although she didn't know why, she was certain most, if not all, of what she was hearing was bull.  As the woman continued to smile and speak, Sarah watched her eyes.  Lips could easily smile and lie, but eyes always seemed to tell the truth.  She'd learned that a long time ago.
    “I know this all seems impossible and frightening, but you will be perfectly safe in here, I assure you.  Tonight, Jason and I will change and meet with the pack.  For the first time, Jason, you will know your descendants.”  Smile steady, her eyes darted away from their faces.
    “I am not leaving my sister locked in a cage so I can run around like a wild animal.” Jason hissed.
    Tossing her long hair over her shoulder, she said, “You'd rather stay here and take a chance on killing her then?  That seems rather unintelligent to me.”
    “He won’t hurt me.  He can‘t.”
    Shana shrugged, mumbled something about seeing is believing, and went up the stairs. 
    Jason placed his hand on Sarah’s shoulder, “What do you want me to do?” 
    Sarah thought for a moment before answering, “I don’t know why, but I don’t think you should go with her tonight.  Something is wrong, really wrong.  Before you go out to meet them, we need to know the whole story.  We don’t know half of what is going on.  I can feel it.  Have you noticed how she wouldn't say our parents’ names?  All of those pictures across the mantel, yet none of Mom and Dad, or us?  Please don’t leave me here.  I don’t trust them.”
    Although it was a few hours before his change would come, Jason almost growled as he answered, “I won’t leave you alone.  I don’t trust them either.  Let’s make sure this room is secure against moonlight.  When I change tonight, I’m going to be in there with you.  I don’t like the way she looks at you when she thinks no one’s watching.”

Chapter Four
    The setting sun spread hues of purple and pink across the horizon.  Fascinated, Sarah watched from the steps of the front porch as the darkened part of the sky overhead began to twinkle with small bursts of light.  Jason and Shana's voices filtered through the screen door in various volumes.  Hushed whispers would be followed by loud speaking, only to die down to whispers again.  Although it was obvious they were trying to keep their conversation private, they failed miserably.
    “Look, maybe you do mean well, but I don’t want anyone here when I’m not myself.”
    “You will not hurt us.  We are part of you.  Why can’t you get that?”
    “I’m not worried about hurting you.  I don’t trust you alone with my sister.”
    Shana’s voice grew louder.  “Why in the world would we want to hurt Sarah?  Of all the unreasonable--”
    “Unreasonable?  You climb out from under a rock, after we’ve been going it alone our whole lives, and now all of a sudden you want us to trust you?  Are you insane?  Do I look stupid to you?”
    “Well of all the--” she gasped.
    Jason’s tone lowered as he hissed, “Keep your voice down.  I don’t want her getting upset.  Give me the keys and get out.”
    “Or what?  You’ll leave?”  Shana laughed.
    Sarah sighed and rose from her seat.  I better get in there before they start beating the crap out of each other. 
    Both heads turned in her direction as she entered the living room. 

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