al .” She took Nick’s uninjured hand into hers and squeezed it. “I can’t thank you enough for saving my baby, Mr. Hunter. Nicky’s al I got in this world. I’d die if anything ever happened to him.” Something dark flitted through Kyrian’s eyes that reminded Nick of a ghost tormenting him. Some past pain that his mother’s words conjured up.
    Kyrian pul ed out his wal et and opened it. “This is my number.” He gave his mother a smal business card. “If you need anything at al , don’t hesitate to cal me. Any time, day or night. I don’t sleep much so don’t worry about disturbing me.” She tried to give it back, but Kyrian wouldn’t al ow it.
    “Look,” he said firmly. “I know you don’t know me or trust me at al . I don’t blame you. But there are people in the world who can give without asking for anything back. I’m one of them.” She shook her head. “And I know how much stuff like this costs. I can’t take that kind of money from you or anyone else.
    Kyrian’s dark brown gaze went to Nick. “Then let him work it off.”
    Nick sputtered indignantly. “Excuse me?” They ignored him.
    “Don’t be ridiculous,” his mom said. “It’d take him forever to earn this kind of money back.”
    Uh, yeah … Last thing Nick wanted was to be indentured over a doctor bil .
    Kyrian returned his wal et to his pocket. “Then what do you want to do? Have the hospital turn him out into the street before he’s ful y healed? Wounds like that, he could get gangrene and lose a limb or die.”
    Hopeless despair glistened in her blue eyes and the sight kicked Nick straight in the gut.
    “Mrs. Gautier …” A tic worked in Kyrian’s jaw. “I know you can’t tel it by looking at me, but I’ve had a hard life. I’ve lost everyone who was ever important to me and I know what it’s like to be kicked hard when you’re down. You’ve got a great kid there. He deserves a chance. Let him work for me, part time, after school for a year, and we’l cal it even.” She glanced at Nick, who wasn’t so sold on this idea.
    “Doing what?”
    “Washing my car. Running errands.”
    His mom scowled. “What kind of errands?”
    “Yeah,” Nick interjected, “I ain’t no babysitter or dog walker.” Kyrian rol ed his eyes. “I don’t have kids or a dog.” He returned his gaze to Nick’s mom. “He’d pick up groceries.

    Some dry cleaning. He can work with my groundskeeper trimming hedges or help my housekeeper clean the outside windows. Nothing dangerous or il egal.” That didn’t sound too bad, but Nick already had a job that he liked most days. “What about Ms. Liza, Mom? Who’l help her in her store?”
    Kyrian frowned at him. “Liza Dunnigan?”
    “You know her?” Nick asked in surprise.
    Another tight-lipped grin broke over his face. “Yeah. We go way back. And I think she’d understand if you worked for me for a while.”
    His mom’s hand tightened on his. “I don’t know … what do you think, Nicky?”
    Nick looked at the sling on his arm. There real y was no way they could afford this bil . If Kyrian would pay and his mom wouldn’t have to suffer …
    “As long as he’s not a pervert and Liza doesn’t mind, I can work for him, I guess.”
    Kyrian laughed. “I’m not a pervert.”
    “You better not be ’cause I’l quit if you are.” Kyrian shook his head. “So it’s settled?” Indecision played in his mom’s gaze before she nodded.
    “Thank you.”
    “No problem. Now if you two don’t mind, I have an appointment I need to keep.”
    Nick frowned.
    “This late?” his mom asked suspiciously.
    Kyrian nodded. “I do a lot of international business that requires me to work late at night. Like I said, I don’t sleep much.” And with that, he was gone.
    Now that they were alone, his mom gave him her ful attention. “What do you real y think?”

    “I think I’m real y glad I’m not dead and you’re not kil ing me over getting shot and being in the

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