Infinity Lost
there was a little princess called . . . Flora.”
    I like this story already.
    “She was beautiful, and so clever, and almost everyone in the kingdom thought that she was wonderful. Some thought she was a miracle.”
    I grin for the first time that night.
    “Princess Flora lived in a castle, and even though it was a beautiful castle, Princess Flora didn’t realize that it was actually . . . a prison.”
    I’m intrigued, and suddenly a little concerned.
    “The castle was owned by a king who wanted to keep the princess hidden away in secret.”
    “Because she was different, Finn. She was very special.” Mariele has never called me Finn before. “The king was part of an evil council. Together, over time, they would watch the princess and decide how they could use her.” My eyes are as wide as dinner plates. I hang on Mariele’s every word.
    “What the princess needed to know was that the king didn’t control her life as much as he thought he did. What the princess needed to know was that she had a will and a heart of her own.” Mariele takes my hand and squeezes it hard. Her eyes are desperate. She’s scaring me a little. “What she needs to realize is that there are good people who are trying very hard to help her . . .”
    Suddenly the door swings open and Jonah is there. “Why is this door closed? What’s going on here, Mariele?”
    Mariele springs to her feet and straightens her uniform. “Nothing, sir. I . . . I was just telling Miss Blackstone a . . . a bedtime story.”
    “Can you finish it tomorrow please, Mariele?” I say excitedly.
    “Of course, Miss Blackstone,” Mariele replies. She curtsies, hurries out past Jonah, and disappears down the hall.
    Jonah stands at the doorway, leaning out, watching her go. He slowly turns back into the room and frowns at me. “I don’t suppose I need to tell you that what you did today was very, very bad, do I?”
    I shake my head. “I’m really sorry, Jonah. Those men just made me so mad. I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone, I promise.”
    “Oh, I know. I’ve seen how good a shot you are. If you were really trying to hit them, they would all be in pieces, not just a vase and a lamp and their fragile egos,” he says with a little smile. “Just between you and me, I think they deserved it, but you have to promise that you won’t go shooting guns at people anymore. Well, at least not unless I say so.”
    I nod and let out a tiny giggle.
    “What did Mariele say to you, Finn?”
    I’m suddenly very serious. “She told me not to say.”
    Jonah smiles. “You can tell me, sweetheart. I promise it will go no further.” Jonah draws a crisscross shape on his chest with his finger. “There, I’ve crossed on it. OK?”
    I ponder for a moment, then shrug my shoulders and slowly nod. “Mariele told me a story about a bad king, and a beautiful princess that he put in jail. I think she was talking about me. I think the bad king is . . . Father.”
    Jonah walks to my bedside, sits on the green chair, and lets out a deep sigh. “Why do you say that?”
    “Because he doesn’t seem to care about me, Jonah.” I thought all the tears I had to cry were gone, and yet my eyes begin to fill once more.
    “Don’t cry, sweetheart. I’m sure he does. In fact, y’know what? I was just talking to him on the phone, and he said that he’s going to bring you a present. For your birthday.”
    “Really?” I mumble through the sniffling.
    “Really. He’ll be here when you wake up. I guarantee it. Here, I’ll light the fireplace to help you get to sleep.” Jonah walks over, presses a button on the mantel and low flames flicker up over the coals in the hearth. “You’ll be six years old tomorrow, Finn. You’ve got a busy day ahead of you.”
    “Can we ride the ponies to the lake and have a picnic, please, Jonah?” I ask as I snuggle down under the covers.
    “Of course we can. We can even take the rowboat out and I’ll teach you how to

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