Infection: Alaskan Undead Apocalypse
standing at the window and still waiting for the lovely Lani, watched as what appeared to be a drunken man staggered across the parking lot in the direction of the parked Subaru. The unsteady figure trudged through two fairly sizable water puddles in his trek across the lot. His steps were like those of a toddler but his direction was undeniable. He was on a collision course with the new green Subaru.
    To Neil, the man appeared to be wearing a uniform of sorts—a security guard perhaps. He caught faint glints of reflection from what appeared to be a badge on his chest. He was certain that whatever company the man worked for would certainly be proud today. What a great representative for their services and their company.
    He was thinking to himself that he was glad he had recognized when it was time to stop drinking. He didn’t envy the headache the drunk man was sure to have later today.
    Neil saw the curly haired blonde guy get out of his car while the other guy got even closer. And then Neil realized that something wasn’t right. He wasn’t quite sure what exactly it was, but there was something exceptionally odd about the staggering man. He evinced quite a bit of agitation and maybe even aggression, Neil observed, and as he got nearer to the oblivious curly haired blonde guy, his pace quickened and his arms rose. It appeared as if he was going to grab him. To do what, Neil wasn’t entirely sure, but he was pretty sure that it wasn’t going to be good.

Chapter 10
    Kurt Tolliver, having retrieved his leather portfolio from his backseat, stood away from his car. He looked at the steel and glass building in front of him, catching sight of a reflection of a pair of sea gulls circling. Looking up and watching the birds’ reflections whirl and swirl in updrafts of air, he breathed in deeply and tasted the moisture as it crawled into his lungs. Something didn’t seem quite right to him, though it was just a hint of smell that tickled his nose and brought on a sneeze. As he doubled over with the force of the sneeze, he thought he heard something that sounded like someone was hitting the inside of a window on the building.
    When he had recovered from his expiation, he stood back up and saw the reflection of something else altogether in the mirrored glass in front of him. There was someone else with him; right next to him in fact. He turned and saw unbridled rage in the ravenous eyes of a man that didn’t seem quite human.
    Kurt turned to run, but his attacker’s hands found their mark; one grabbing his arm and the other finding purchase in his blonde curls. He screamed in fear, a sound that he had never heard come from himself before.

Chapter 11
    Neil dropped his coffee cup and started pounding on the glass of his first floor office window. But it was all for naught and too late. Like a snagged fish, Kurt Tolliver was hooked and caught.
    Neil was frozen. It didn’t seem that any of this could be real. How could it be? The staggering man pulled his victim to the pavement, clawing and biting and ravaging him brutally. He was acting like a wild animal, a predator who’d just brought down his kill.
    Neil tried in vain to move his legs but he was planted, as immobile as a granite statue. His breathing was shallow. The quiet had returned to the room, but this quiet was anything but peaceful.
    Unable to think of anything else to do, he spun around and found a phone. He punched 911 on the dial pad and then walked back to his post at the window, stretching the cord behind as he went. The blonde haired guy...the victim, was no longer struggling. His attacker was still violently assailing him, but, like the still very much alive moth that is devoured by the spider, the poor man was only able to flex his hands feebly, painfully with each vicious bite. Just seconds later, his hands were no longer moving. It was over. At least it should have been over, but the assailant was still biting at him and tearing away pieces

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