peeked through the peephole to see who could possibly be at his door this early in the morning, and was surprised to see Josh looking like he had just rolled out of bed as well.
“Hey, you’re alive,” Josh said as Nathan opened the door. “Brandon is cooking up a hangover feast. Come over and join us.”
“Umm, I don’t think so.” Nathan looked down at the floor, completely embarrassed over the way he had acted at their party last night.
“Oh, come on. We’re super hungover,” Josh placed his hand on Nathan’s shoulders like he was preparing him for a pep talk. “No one even remembers last night.”
Nathan was torn between wanting to move to a new building so he never had to see any of them again and wanting to be friends with these great guys who had so openly embraced him. His craving for friendship won out. “Okay, thanks. Let me just change.”
“Don’t bother. We just crawled out of bed.” Josh threw his arm around Nathan and directed him to their door.
“Look who I found,” Josh said as they walked into the apartment. Nathan smelled waffles and syrup in the air.
“Hey, Nathan, have a seat,” Brandon said from the kitchen.
Nathan wasn’t sure where to sit. He decided to take a stool at the kitchen counter so he could chat with Brandon while he cooked.
“Is there anything I can help with?” Nathan asked, seeing Brandon mix up more waffle batter.
“Nope. You’re our guest. I’m a nice Southern boy, Nathan. My momma would tan my hide if she heard me asking a guest to help in the kitchen. Speaking of which, she is coming into town this week and hosting the rehearsal dinner for us here. Just close friends and family. We would really like you to come.”
Nathan was uncomfortable since he had never been rolled into someone’s close friend category, and it was a little weird they wanted to since he’d just met them. “I probably shouldn’t. I don’t want to intrude.”
“Nonsense. I can tell that six months from now you are going to be one of our best friends, and we’ll be sitting around wishing you had been a part of our wedding,” Brandon assured him, pouring more batter onto the waffle griddle.
“Don’t bother fighting it, Nathan. When Brandon decides something, there’s no way to talk him out of it,” Josh said, walking up behind Brandon and giving him a quick kiss.
Nathan shifted on the barstool. “Okay. Um, I’m sorry I ran out on everyone last night, by the way. I was a bit embarrassed.”
“No need to be embarrassed. People do stuff when they drink they wouldn’t normally do,” Brandon said, looking at Josh.
“What?” Josh looked confused until his expression suddenly changed to one of understanding. “Seriously? It was a misunderstanding. Sharon said she learned a new trick on vacation in Tijuana. What was I supposed to think?”
“Not that she was going to fuck a donkey, I can tell you that much,” Brandon said, shaking his head in disgust. “And seriously, you’re gay. Why would you even want to watch some lady screw a donkey?”
“First of all I was wasted! And secondly I was intrigued,” Josh said unashamedly.
Brandon shook his head again.
“So what was her trick?” Nathan asked, laughing.
“Oh, she learned how to balance a spoon on her nose. Super anticlimactic, right?” Josh said, rolling his eyes at Nathan and cuddling into Brandon’s side, grabbing a piece of bacon.
“You probably will never run into him again.” Brandon ignored Josh and placed Nathan’s plate of food in front of him. “No harm, no foul, right?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Nathan said, taking a bite of his waffle, knowing he really wanted to run into him again.
Chapter 9
The morning after (David)
DAVID HAD been lying in bed staring at the ceiling for hours contemplating his sexuality. His inner monologue over whether he was gay or not was going to make him crazy. The term bisexual rolled around in his head; he had dated girls before and he definitely