Ignis (Book 2, Pure Series)

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Book: Read Ignis (Book 2, Pure Series) for Free Online
Authors: Catherine Mesick
going on and who had written the letters.   I wanted to tell her that I had nearly died in Krov, and it was full of bad memories.   I wanted to tell her that we couldn't go back to Krov because the village was crawling with vampires—and some of those vampires were eager for my return.   But the right words just wouldn't come—especially for the last part.   How could I hint at a danger that I wasn't allowed to name?
                GM leaned forward.   "What is it that is troubling you, Solnyshko?   Are you worried about not having a visa?   If that is the case, then you need worry no longer.   I have already obtained visas for both of us.   We can fly directly into Russia."
                I was startled.   When we had gone to Russia in October, we had actually had to fly into Georgia and sneak across the border because Russia required a visa for U.S. visitors while Georgia did not.   If GM had visas for us already, then she had been planning the trip for some time now and had never mentioned it to me.
                "GM," I said, "why won't you tell me what's going on?"
                "It's Christmas, Katie.   I haven't spent a Christmas in Russia in many years.   I miss my homeland."
                I felt a twinge of frustration.   I knew GM was sincere when she said that, and to be fair, the reason she gave was a perfectly good one.   But I couldn't shrug off a suspicion that that wasn't all there was to it.   Then again, I wondered—what exactly was it that I suspected GM of?   I really didn't know.
                "Where are you thinking of staying in Krov?" I asked.   "Odette's house?"
                GM gave me a sharp look.   "So is that what is troubling you?   Your poor cousin?   I can understand that it must be hard for you.   It is hard for me, too, Solnyshko.   You loved Odette and so did I.   And hope is not lost entirely.   People have been restored to their families after going missing for years, and Odette has only been gone a few months.   We may yet see her again."
                Seeing Odette again was one of the things I was worried about—as William had told Innokenti, it was entirely possible that Odette would return.   She had gone missing.   But she was not lost in the way that GM thought she was—in the way that an ordinary human girl would be lost.   Odette had become a vampire, and in October she had tried to kill me.   She had disappeared after that, and her house in Krov had been left vacant.   If we settled ourselves into her house at Christmas, who was to say that she wouldn't return and resent our presence?   I had seen Odette when she was angry—it was a truly terrifying sight.
                So, Odette might come for me, and so might Innokenti and Anton—in fact, I had a pretty definite feeling that the last two would.   If I went to Krov for Christmas, would I ever be allowed to leave again?   Would I even survive whatever Innokenti and his fellow vampires had planned?
                "GM, do we have to go to Russia for Christmas?" I asked uncomfortably.
                GM's face fell.   "I am forgetting how hard that trip was for you, aren't I?   Not only did you lose your cousin, but you were kidnapped by that madman who used to be your teacher.   And then you were in the hospital.   I am sorry, Solnyshko.   We do not have to go to Russia for Christmas."
                I was sorry to see how disappointed GM looked.   I could tell that she'd really had her heart set on going to Russia—but such a trip would be dangerous, and there was no way I could explain that to her.
                "I'm sorry, GM," I said.   "I just don't think I can do it."
                GM reached across the table and patted my hand.   "It is all right, Solnyshko.   I hadn't quite realized how difficult this would be for you.   We will not

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