If The Shoe Fits
Stepmother stop you. Francie’s like a little caterpillar. She’s
cocooning now, but soon she’ll be the most beautiful
    Charlie’s middle clenched tightly. Nausea
bubbled up to her throat. She swallowed hard, stumping it down. She
tried another gulp of wine, hoping it would relax the grippers. She
looked anxiously at the side railing to her right and farthest away
from Alex. Then she turned back to look at him again.
    “You speak highly of her.”
    “Why not? She’s talented. Some of it, the
little bits of it, she’s found, but someday she’ll uncover so many
more treasures to behold. That’s when she’ll blossom.”
    He rubbed his jaw. “Blossom?”
    “Yes,” she croaked out, grabbing for the wine
glass once again.
    “You’re so sure. Unwavering loyalty,
    A dull heat swept over her cheeks. She bowed
her eyes and shook her head. “No.” She shrugged uncomfortably. “I
can spot talent when I see it.”
    “See any lately?” His soft voice wrapped
around her center.
    She sucked in a sharp breath, catching and
holding his stare. “Maybe… I’ve recently met a prince, of all
things. The most charming man.”
    He leaned closer, covering her hand.
    Feeling the rumble in her middle before she
heard it, Charlie dragged her hand away and pressed it to her
    His brow furrowed. “Charlie, you’re under a
misconception here.”
    “How so? Have you gotten me here under false
pretenses?” She tried to make her voice light and cheery, but it
fell flat.
    He dragged a hand down his face and sighed.
“Something like that.”
    Another cramp seized her middle. “Explain,
please,” she squeaked out.
    Looking directly at her now, he said softly,
“It’s not Francine I want for a bride.”
    Charlie shook her head. “Priscilla?” she
barely whispered.
    Her stomach ached. Maybe it wasn’t even
someone she knew. Either way, she didn’t think she wanted to hear
his answer, but she had to ask anyway. Breathing in short, quick
breaths, she asked, “Someone else? Who?”
    He seemed to force a smile as his frown
deepened. “You, Charlie,” he said softly. “Will you marry me?”
    Just then her belly heaved. She shoved back
her chair, the legs painfully scraping against the wood, and dashed
to the side railing. Leaning over, she’d made it just in time.

Chapter 7
    Alex dragged a hand through his hair as he
paced back and forth in his large, echoing foyer. “Is she all
right? Did you get her home safely?” He couldn’t squelch the
anxiety in his voice.
    “Sir, she was a little pale and shaky, but
she’ll be fine. You said you called her friend, Dolly, didn’t you?”
When Alex gave him a nod, he went on, “So there you have it. She’ll
sort Miss Charlie out.”
    “I can’t believe she took it so badly. It
couldn’t have come as that much of a shock. Surely she had to know
I was attracted to her.”
    Halting, Alex looked over his shoulder at his
driver. “Denial? How so?” Frowning, he began pacing again. “I never
once made any overtures to either one of the other sisters. Never a
hint of attraction or even interest in either one of them. Nothing
for her to think it was Francine or even Priscilla. No, it was
always her.” He shook his head.
    “It’s her, sir. She didn’t want to see it.
Probably had her mind set on someone else and boom, you hit her
with it.” He shrugged his shoulders. “So, I wouldn’t take it
personal- her getting sick. Shock was all it was.”
    Alex halted in front of his friend. Letting
out a weary breath, he tried to allow it to sink in. “I should go
to her. Try to explain things.”
    This time it was Edward who frowned. “Not
everything, sir. Surely not everything.”
    The skin on his face felt even tighter as he
caught and held his driver’s concerned gaze. “No, Edward, I can’t
tell her that.” Heaviness seemed to weigh down his body, sinking
deeper and deeper. “From what I can

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