Icing on the Lake

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Book: Read Icing on the Lake for Free Online
Authors: Catherine Clark
    “Wow. That’s a great idea to raise money.” Gretchen smiled at him.
    I picked up a brochure and skimmed it. I’m not the kind of person who accepts dares just to make a point, but I was almost tempted to sign up. I mean, if it was time for me to start being more outgoing—after all, that was part of my New Year’s resolution—I couldn’t be more outgoing than to jump into freezing cold water with a bunch of strangers.
    “You’re considering it, aren’t you?” Gretchen said. “You should do it.”
    “No way. You do it!” I said.
    “You’re the one who’s all, ‘this year will be different,’ so prove it,” she said.
    “You’re the one who needs the fresh start,” I countered.
    “Okay, then.” Gretchen smiled and turned to the man behind the table. “I have a question. Would you be there to warm us up when we get out of the lake?” she asked him.
    I was about to kick her, but then I remembered she already had one broken leg.
    “Well, I don’t know.” He smiled at her. “I could be, I guess. Then again, I might need you to warm me up.”
    “I’ll be standing on the shore. So I’ll definitely be warm,” Gretchen said. “Should I bring you a robe?”
    “ Gretchen ,” I said, gently pulling her back from the table before she threw herself onto it. “Where’s Brett?”
    “He’s right here,” she said. “Clinging to my good leg.”
    “Oh. Sorry, but I just think…you know. Tone it down a little.” Maybe I sounded like our mom now, but I didn’t care. She was totally embarrassing me!
    “What are you talking about?” she replied.
    “Should you really flirt with him that much?” I asked.
    “Why not?”
    “Because. He might…”
    “Think I like him? What would be the problem there? Honestly, it’s like we’re from a different gene pool.”
    But see, that was the point. I’d seen the way she did things and decided I was going to bedifferent. Extremely different.
    She knew all about the so-called inner flirt. She had no problem being that way. I, however, felt like a phony whenever I tried it.
    I felt badly for pulling her away so abruptly, so I stepped back up to the table.
    “Can I make a contribution?” I asked. That wasn’t phony, at least. I did want to support Special Olympics, even if I didn’t want to do it by jumping into White Bear Lake myself.
    “Sure, that would be great.” He smiled so nicely at me, I kind of wished he were my age instead of Gretchen’s.
    Wow , I thought. I’ve only been here a few nights and already I’m turning into my sister .
    “Don’t forget to check your rearview mirror,” Gretchen said, peering over her shoulder as I backed out of the parking spot at the mall.
    “Gretchen,” I said, trying to keep my composure, “I’ve been driving for a couple of years. You know that, right?”
    “I know, but this is city driving. It’s different.”
    “Yes. Very different. At home, we just back up without looking,” I said. “We smash intoother people’s cars and that’s how we figure out when to stop. Every parking lot is a demolition derby, basically.”
    “Look, Kirsten. It’s not funny. It’s a well-known fact that teenage drivers are most likely to get into an accident. And if you drive up my insurance rates—”
    “I’m still on Mom and Dad’s family insurance policy. Don’t worry about it,” I said.
    “Oh. You are?” She sounded a little happier.
    “And, I’ve never had an accident, and I’ve never even gotten a parking ticket, or speeding ticket, or any kind of ticket. Someone shoved a flyer for a tanning salon under the windshield wiper once, and that’s about it.”
    “Ooh…tanning. What a great idea!” Gretchen said, easing back in her seat with a sigh. “You want to go?”
    “Not really,” I said.
    “Of course not. You have, like, the year-round bronze look,” Gretchen complained.
    “I do not,” I said.
    “Do too.”
    I decided not to prolong the argument. I just don’t believe in getting

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