to really respect you. I even got your haircut, all cute and straight shaggy shaped even though I have blonde hair. It looks better on you. I thought you were a caring and compassionate girl singer artist so I just don’t understand why you were so mean to Chris. I see the way he looks at you. He just loves you too much. You know that. How could you dump him after one bad thing? It’s so shallow to drop someone after they mess up. You have everything, Rihanna. You’re perfect pretty and mega talented and sparkly and shiny. It must be hard for Chris to be with you. I mean I’m jealous of you and you’re not even my girlfriend. Everyone wants you. Everyone wants to be you. In his apology video Chris seemed so nervous and sad. People say he was just reading his lines, but they were heartfelt. He was so scared about screwing up. He was so sad. I could tell. That’s what happens after. I mean they feel so bad. They don’t have anyone to help them. They don’t know how to talk. I mean I can tell he wants to cry. Take him back. He loves you too much, but at least he loves you. One mistake you can’t just fire him. What if he did that to you? Chris made you a video and put it out in front of the wholeworld. That’s a lot to do in front of his friends and stuff. My boyfriend, Brad, didn’t make me a video. I mean once he brought me this bracelet with a silver heart after he made my lip bleed. But he’s never been as nice as Chris. My mother hates him. Brad, that is. She just doesn’t know him. She judges him by one aspect of his personality but that’s only a part of who he is. I heard Oprah say if a boy hits you once, leave ‘em right then, but that’s so cold, so mechanical. Like push boy delete.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not perfect. I’m naggy and I complain, well that’s what Brad tells me. I make him feel bad. I mean you shoved Chris and threw away his keys. That’s serious for a boy. A guy’s keys are like his self. I know if I did that I would be expecting a confrontation and you really shouldn’t dish it out if you can’t take it. We’re all part of this. You can’t even really say where it begins or ends. It’s like my parents’ arguments. They feel like they’ve been going on since I was born and they basically are always pissed off about the same things and she makes him feel so bad about himself and then he gets ugly. And sometimes he hurts her and then she gets meaner and we all just go to our rooms and pretend we don’t hear, but really we’re all part of it. I mean sometimes it’s one of us that makes them start arguing. Usually me. My dad says someone’s always asking for it.
Chris loves you. Just like Brad loves me. He knows me better than anyone. It’s just sometimes this thing goes off in them. It’s like all the hurt they feel and all the bad things they’ve seen and all the ways they couldn’t help. I mean Chris used to wet his bed after his stepdad hit his mother. What are we gonna do, throw all the boys away? Put them forever on some punishment island? Then how are we gonna have babies? And who’s gonna kiss us?They’re all crazy sad you know. I can tell even when Brad slaps me sometimes. It doesn’t hurt as much as seeing how alone he is and confused and sad. My dad has that same sadness and it makes me smoke when I think about it. It really rips me apart. Brad isn’t buying your music anymore. He said if you were his girlfriend he would have to keep you locked up in his room. He couldn’t bear everyone staring at you and dreaming about you. That made me a little jealous. I mean he doesn’t let me out much and if I talk to another boy he gets real crazy, but the way he talked about you was different. Like he really had it for you. So imagine what poor Chris feels with so many guys everywhere having it for you. How is some guy gonna handle that? Most of the time they can’t even find a good job. Well, Chris had one. But most guys my age are tripping about