
Read Hudson for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Hudson for Free Online
Authors: Shayne McClendon
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
team.  She fell in love for what she believed would be the first and
last time in her life. 
    Noah Winters swept her off her feet and they talked often of
their bright future together.  They were going to marry when Cami, who was a
year behind him, earned her degree.
    Six months after his graduation, he was killed in a plane
crash.  Three days after his funeral, she discovered she was pregnant. 
    Noah’s family refused to speak to her and her own parents
were so scandalized that they cut her off without a penny. 
    When college administration discovered she was pregnant, she
was forced to leave school just four credits shy of her business degree despite
the fact that her final semester was paid for in advance. 
    She moved into a halfway house for unwed mothers on the
outskirts of Philadelphia.  Sunk in deep depression, Cami was unable to care
for herself or her newborn child.  The nun who ran the home stepped in to help. 
    Slowly, Sister Dana got the young woman back on her feet and
Camille tried to take back her life.  She was hired as a secretary at a local
accounting firm and the nun watched Hudson during the day. 
    When he was six, his mother’s married boss raped her in his
well-appointed conference room and threatened to accuse her of embezzlement if
she reported her attack. 
    Cami became pregnant again, this time with twins.  She was
fired from her job when she told her rapist what he’d done.  He looked at her
smugly and told her she was a woman known to have loose morals so no one would
ever believe her story.
    Once again, intense sadness overtook her, though Sister Dana
did everything possible to help.  When his brother and sister were born, it was
Hudson and the elderly nun who cared for them. 
    Cami slept all the time and rarely remembered to eat or
    A group of churchwomen petitioned to have the halfway house
shut down a few months later.  They told the city council that the place was morally
bankrupt and encouraged promiscuous behavior. 
    Hudson discovered many years later that the primary force
behind the closure of the home was the wife of the man who had taken so much
from his mother.  There was no doubt that Camille had been depicted as a whore
by her upstanding rapist with strong ties to the community.
    Dana moved them into a small home where Hudson shared a room
with his siblings so he could tend to them during the night.  She slept on the
sofa in the tiny living room.  Without the stipend from the church, they were
barely able to keep the power on and food on the table. 
    Hudson worked odd jobs to make ends meet and swore there
would come a day when the people he cared about wouldn’t have to worry. 
    Driven to succeed, he bought his first business with money
saved from one of the two full-time jobs he held in college.  By the time he walked
the stage with a degree in business, he owned two businesses in the black and
his first residential property. 
    He took care of Dana until her death and busted his ass to
get his mother back.  The corporate powerhouse he became was due to the bad
hands she’d been dealt in her life. 
    When he was thirty and putting his siblings through school,
he tracked down their biological father.  A bit of digging revealed that his
mother had been neither his first victim nor his last. 
    Hudson explained who he was and Camille’s rapist began to sputter
and accuse her of lewd behavior that drove him to do what he did.  With
a predatory smile, he silently listened to how his beautiful, fragile mother
had all but asked for her rape. 
    When his prey finally pissed himself in fear, Hudson carefully
outlined how he planned to destroy him.  He left the office without once
raising his voice. 
    Inside one year, he ruined him financially and personally.  The
day the creditors took his house, he killed himself in his garage. 
    Hudson never said a word to his mother or the twins and he
never lost one minute of sleep. 
    As for her parents and

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