Howling at the Moon: The Complete Series
    I smiled at him, thinking of how last night he was naked in front of me. Maybe they felt better naked. I turned my head so as not to look in his eyes when I asked my next question.
    “And what is the good part?”
    I tried to concentrate on the man in the picture, lifting my hand to touch him. He looked like Mo with the same cinnamon-colored hair and broad shoulders.
    “I’m an animal. I have instincts and can feel things that others can’t.”
    My heart stopped when he said that. Did he know that I was in need? Could he sense that my body was yearning?
    My thoughts went back to last night and Warren’s words.
    It’s mating season.
    Shit. What had I gotten myself into?
    Turning around to Mo, I decided it was probably best that I leave.
    “Well it is nice to have instincts...”
    “It is,” he agreed. “And you know what I feel right now?”
    Shit, shit, shit...
    I cursed myself, unable to breathe. I shook my head, but I was sure he would tell me anyway.
    “I feel like you want me, and I want you.” He took my hand and placed it on his chest. The hardness of his muscles was a tantalizing juxtaposition to the warmth and softness of his skin. His hand pressed down on mine until I felt his heart beat pounding through his flesh, his shirt, and into my hand.
    “I want you,” he murmured softly. “I wanted you from the first time I saw you.”
    No... No, don’t do this.
    I wanted to scream, but my mouth was no longer working. I was locked in on his eyes, grey with a cinder of red burning through them.
    When I parted my lips, he was already kissing me with his. My arms were now wrapped around his neck, my fingers pulling at that same cinnamon hair that I had been yearning to touch.
    Mo was rough, grabbing at me and pushing me against the wall. Our kisses were hungry and deep as his tongue entered my mouth. I could feel his teeth graze my lips, and the deep hum of a growl that seemed to escape him made my skin prickle with gooseflesh.
    He wasn’t tame like Warren; this was a full-blown wolf I was kissing.
    “I want you. Now,” Mo said, grasping me urgently.
    Lifting my shirt, he licked at my breasts and pulled them from the cups of my bra. His tongue seemed to be everywhere at once, wetting me and sucking at my nipples. My knees threatened to buckle from the pleasure, but Mo’s strong arms held me up.
    “Then take me,” I whispered to him. I couldn’t believe those words came out of my mouth.
    Without hesitation, Mo did just that.
    My shorts came off so fast that I was helpless to stop him even if I’d wanted to. He drew me against his body with a strength I couldn’t hope to overcome, and when my feet left the floor, I felt light as a feather.
    With one hand, he pushed the brushes and empty canvases off the table to make way for my body. Lying on my back with my legs dangling over the edge, and my shorts somewhere on the floor, I welcomed whatever he wanted to do to me.
    I wanted to see his hardness, but instead, he knelt down on the floor, yanking my legs up over his shoulders with his mouth directly in front of my mound. My panties were the only barrier between us, but the thin fabric was no use in stopping him from getting what he wanted. I could feel his breath wafting through the lace of my panties.
    “I’m hungry.” he told me, his eyes locking with mine. “I want to eat you.”
    A shudder of budding fear ran through me. Had this all been a trick?
    Then he pulled my panties to the side with such force that the band of lace snapped in half, flung over his shoulder, and kissed my bare pussy lips, burying his face into my center as his mustache tickled my skin.
    I looked down at him, just hoping the table wouldn’t give way. I hadn’t done this in so long I forgot the proper etiquette of it all, but when Mo’s tongue parted my rosy pink lips, the shot of pleasure and adrenaline that followed made all my worries disappear.
    “You taste so sweet,” he moaned from between my legs.

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