How to Develop a Perfect Memory

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Book: Read How to Develop a Perfect Memory for Free Online
Authors: Dominic O'Brien
Tags: Self-Help, Non-Fiction, Memory, Mnemonics
public and personal names. Don't dwell on the letters themselves; they are simply an intermediary, a way of getting to a memorable image. And try not to ponder on why letters suggest particular people to you. It doesn't matter if your associations are strange, silly or even downright obscene.
    Here is a sample of my cast of characters:
    01 is my mother, the first person I came into contact with.
    My family initials are OB, so 02 (OB) is my father.
    17 (IG) reminds me of a pIG farmer friend.
    When I see 28 (BH), I think of someone I know who spends all their time in the BatH.
    60 (SO) makes me think of an old seamstress I know (SO...Sewing).
    79 (GN) reminds me of a friend called GordoN.
    80 (HO) makes me think of Santa Claus - Ho! Ho!
    81 (HI) suggests a hippy I know who is always coming up to me in the street and saying 'Hi'.
    HG is the symbol for mercury, so I associate 87 with a scientist I know.
    I have a friend who has a very prominent NoSe; he has become irrevocably linked with 96 (NS).
    Certain numbers won't need to be translated into letters because they already suggest someone. For instance, 07 makes me think of James Bond; 10 makes me think of Dudley Moore (star of the film 10 ). It doesn't matter how you arrive at a person, providing you are sure to make the same association every time.
    You can probably think of around fifty people using the methods I have
    outlined above. Personally, I managed to come up with about forty-five
    immediate associations. I then had to start scratching around for the more difficult numbers.
    If you are having problems with a number, treat the letters as the initials of a person. Take 33, for example; using the alphabet, this now represents CC (3=
    C; 3 = C). Or 65, for example: this now translates as SE (6 = S; 5 = E).
    Who do you know with the initials CC? Charlie Chaplin, perhaps, or
    Chubby Checker? or a family friend? What about SE? Stefan Edberg? Sue
    Write down a list of all those numbers and letters that fail to trigger off any immediate association. Study the letters. Who has the initials BG (27)? Bob Geldof? Boy George? Billy Graham? What about BB (22)? Benazir Bhutto?
    Boris Becker? Brigitte Bardot?
    If you still can't think of someone using the numbers as initials, refer to the following list, but use it only after you have written out as many numbers as you can. Your associations are the most important.
    Olive Oyl
    Eating spinach
    Ossie Ardiles
    Playing football
    Otto (von) Bismark
    Sitting in an army tank
    Oliver Cromwell
    Loading musket
    Otto Dix
    Old Etonian
    Wearing boater
    Omar Sharif
    Playing backgammon
    Organ Grinder
    Holding monkey
    Oliver Hardy
    Swinging plank of wood
    Oliver North
    Swearing on oath
    Aristotle Onassis
    Carrying oil can
    Arthur Askey
    Dancing with bees
    Alastair Burnet
    Reading news
    Andy Capp
    Lighting cigarette
    Arthur Daley
    Selling second-hand car
    Albert Einstein
    Chalking a blackboard
    Arthur Scargill
    Carrying sack of coal
    Alec Guinness
    Drinking Guinness
    Adolf Hitler
    Andrew Neil
    Reading newspaper
    Bill Oddie
    Holding binoculars
    Bryan Adams
    Shooting arrow
    Betty Boothroyd
    Banging, order!
    Bill Clinton
    Waving US flag
    Bernard Davey
    Pointing at weather map
    Brian Epstein
    Playing records
    Bram Stoker
    Driving stake in
    Bob Geldof
    Benny Hill
    Driving milk float
    Barry Norman
    Operating film projector
    Captain Oates
    Building snowman
    Charles Adas
    Cilla Black
    Charlie Chaplin
    Bending cane
    Christopher Dean
    Ice skating
    Clint Eastwood
    Claudia Schieffer
    Striding along catwalk
    Charles de

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