Honor Bound

Read Honor Bound for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Honor Bound for Free Online
Authors: Michelle Howard
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Romance
my efforts to awaken you. I
risked a lot and you offer nothing in return.” Miki hated that her voice
trembled but his death threat frightened her for many reasons. She was the last
of her line and her house needed her. She would not leave them to the mercy of
others. If Miki failed it meant they’d all suffer. Thenl’s actions did not lead
her to believe her people would survive with him at the rule.
    He considered her
words. His scowl spoke volumes but Miki waited. “If he refuses, I guarantee
another to take his place for all you have done.”
    “Then I accept
this decision.” He left her no choice.
    Miki leaned over
the prone Warlord. Her sac swollen and full. She needed to release. A quick
prayer to the Blessed One and Miki placed her mouth against his. Her tongue
stroked the swollen flesh and her sakar released. Its tangy essence filled her
mouth with familiarity though there had been few times for her to use the
defense mechanism.
    The Warlord’s
mouth lay still beneath hers. Her tongue stroked along his until she coated his
mouth with venom. The texture of his soft tongue differed, not forked at the
tip like hers and no bumps on the surface. It was smooth, wet and silky all at
once. Miki raised her hand and rubbed his throat. The primitive manner of
transfer would have to work because she had no injector to direct it into his
blood stream.
    May this warrior
forgive me, she prayed because mouth to mouth exchange of venom between a male
and female not bonded could often prove fatal. Miki had to gauge the amount she
released exactly. Too little and it would have no effect. Too much and he’d
never awaken, leaving his body to eventually succumb to death.
    When she deemed a
sufficiently amount of time had passed, Miki pulled back. She eyed him closely
for any sign of change.
    “He is not up.”
    Miki ignored the
grumble as best she could and placed her hand on the bare chest. “It takes
longer without the injector. I must make sure to give him enough.” She once
again pressed her mouth to his and kissed him deeply. Miki loved kissing. The
intimate act showed a sign of trust between two Raasa for the mouth could be
generous or deadly.
    His mouth warmed
beneath hers and she felt the tentative touch of his tongue. Miki sought to
pull back in surprise but a firm hand came up to clasp her neck from behind.
Miki braced a hand on the ground beside his head and moaned. Her lips moved
against his until she was pushed back suddenly and fell to her back side.
    The man beneath
her sat up and unsheathed the dagger from his thigh. The look he aimed Miki’s
way had her breath catching. Black eyes shot flames of anger as he slowly
climbed to his feet.
    “Raasa,” he
growled. “You seek to poison me.”
    Miki shook her
head frantically crouching on all four. “No, No. You misunderstand.”
    The other Warlords
came between them. Words flew back and forth. None of them included Miki in the
     With quaking
limbs, Miki stood and stepped back a pace. She had to get away. Spinning
around, she tried to spot a way out of the cave without crossing their paths.
These were not the understanding warriors she’d come to expect. Why had she
ever thought different?
    “Hold.” The order
came from her future mate. She turned back only to see two Warlords move
forward between them. They stood with their backs to Miki in an effort to
contain him.
    Miki snorted and
wished them luck with that. Another hasty step pressed her back against the
cave wall and ended her escape. He shoved the others to the side and came to
stand in front of her. Heat pulsed from his body. As a cold natured race, Miki
admired those that maintained their own body temperature.
    “You know of
    Clearly they’d
exchanged a lot of information with him in a short amount of time. Miki found
herself nodding beneath the intimidating look he sent her way. Her palms
flattened against the wall behind her.
    “He seeks to join
with you in the way of a man

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