Honeybun Hottie (Plus Size Romance 5)
    “Technically, all the cabins are mine .  And I didn’t have to rummage at all.  You had a whole pile of honeybuns on your nightstand along with this.”
    Her face burned a deep red when he held out a well-worn copy of her favorite steamy romance, Dominant Seduction .  The one with the really racy cover where the shirtless hero is kneeling behind the heroine, his hand cradling her neck, kissing her passionately.  She seductively blindfolded, hands bound in front of her by silk scarves.
    Blythe’s anger was fueled by embarrassment.  Her pride wouldn’t let her do anything short of lashing out.  She slapped the book out of Sean’s hand and flailed her arms at him in a pitiful attempt at a physical assault.  Even as she railed against him, she couldn’t help but imagine him subduing her and having his naughty way with her.
    He was fast as lightning.  In one swift motion, he set down the food tray with one hand and caught both her wrists with the other. 
    He smiled wickedly.  “You don’t strike me as the submissive type, Miss Dalton.  Are you sure you want to bring this hot little fantasy of yours to life?” he asked, gesturing toward the book lying open to a page she had dog-eared.  A scene so good she had read it a hundred times.
    Her gaze was unwavering as she met his.  “Yes, Sergeant.  I’m quite sure.”
    SEAN SURE AS SHIT hadn’t seen that coming.  Blythe had shocked him with her raw, honest answer.  He was positive it had cost her and that somehow made it all the sweeter.  She had no way of knowing it, but he was a natural-born dominate.  Hell, he hadn’t even realized he wanted to act on his secret needs until he met her. 
    Looking back, it was clear as a bell.  His deeply hidden desire was the reason he had pinned her against a big oak in Langston with rough bark digging into her back.  The reason he had tried to provoke her when she arrived at camp yesterday.  By forcing a flare of her temper, he could justify sensuously manhandling her. 
    Holding her throat in his hand, knowing he had the power to snap it like a twig had been a greater rush than any he had ever felt in combat.  It was probably what had driven him to invade her privacy and bring her spicy little romance to light. 
    If he hadn’t known it before, he was certain now.  Blythe Dalton had been made just for him. Giving her his most seductive smile, he said, “Let’s play.”
    “Wait,” she gasped.
    He furrowed his brow.  “Second thoughts so soon?”
    “What about the rest of the staff?”
    “I’m not interested in an orgy, Blythe.  I’m more of a one-on-one kind of a guy.”
    She rolled her eyes.  “No, silly.  I mean won’t they and the campers wonder where we are?  Or worse, what if they hear us or see us while we’re, you know—”
    He chuckled.  “They’d have to have damn good hearing and eyesight to catch us in the act from way up there,” he said, pointing toward the first ridge on the gigantic mountain sitting directly across the lake.
    “You sent them away so you could seduce me?”
    Cupping her cheek with his huge hand, he gently stroked it with his thumb.  “Well, someone thinks a lot of herself.  It’s true.  I did want to be alone with you.  I have since the moment you arrived yesterday.”  His voice was hoarse with desire.  “But that’s not why I sent them away.”
    “It’s not?” she asked breathlessly.
    “No.  The hike is the first step in my program.  After the initial meet and greet, which is usually intense, the campers go on a guided hike up the mountain.  The arts and crafts coordinator, the nurse and one of my men handle things for me.”
    Her cute face flashed confusion.  “Why don’t you go with them? I thought these kids were super important to you.”
    He let his hand drop from her face. A pensive look covered his.  “Other than you, my beautiful Blythe, they’re the most important people in the whole world to me.  But I

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