His Enchantment
use of spell-tipped arrows, their allowing humans into the Otherworld, and our inability to track the English knights once they traveled through the stone circle and into Scotland.”
    Atair and the other fey warriors nodded.
    “My thought is that the magical power affects the fey, but mayhap the humans are immune,” she continued. “I believe the trail exists, but through magic we canna see it.”
    Sionn frowned at the thick snow completely covering the grass. “So why didna we ask Lord Grey to find the path while we were there?”
    “We know nae what other spells have been left if we try and follow the assassins, spells that I believe willna affect Lord Grey and other humans. If this is correct, we need his aid. A bargain he agreed to if we helped save his king.”
    Drax rubbed his jaw. “Why do you think the spell would nae affect them?”
    “Because,” she replied, “whoever is behind this will never expect us to join with humans in our search.”
    Magnus crossed his arms. “Your reasoning is sound, but what if you are wrong?”
    “If I am wrong, we have lost a few days. But,” she said, refusing to give up hope, “what if I am right?”
    Atair grunted. “Regardless, if we find whoever is behind the assassination, we face someone of formidable power. Do you think ’twill be a force we can defeat?”
    Dread curled up inside her, cold and dark. A question she’d considered throughout their journey, one even now that overwhelmed her. Her lower lip trembled as she met his somber gaze. “I am unsure.”

Chapter Four
    The first rays of morning light sliced through the cloud-laden sky as Trálin leaned against the boulder and mulled the challenges of the mission ahead.
    “You are up early for a wounded man.”
    At Catarine’s lyrical voice, his body tightened. Bloody hell, the last thing he needed was to be alone with her in the forest. Had she nae noticed his attraction to her last night?
    “I am.”
    “You couldna sleep?” she asked.
    He kept his focus on where the sun peeked over the ben—a safer choice. “I slept well enough.” A lie, one he would hold to. Throughout the night he’d dreamt of her. Hot, seductive images of her that had awoken him several times. And coming out of an erotic dream to the soft breaths of her warriors sleeping between them had doused his need as fast.
    A light wind swirled past, thick with snow that’d fallen throughout the night, layers which would make their journey this day treacherous. The churn of dark skies overhead held the promise of more. For his king’s safety, it was a journey they must make, regardless of the danger.
    “I heard you tossing and turning,” she said. “’Tis nae the sounds of a man in deep rest.”
    Irritated by the way her voice wove through him, igniting unwanted need, he turned, riveted his gaze on her. “And ’twould seem if you heard me moving about, you were awake as well.”
    At his curt reply, turquoise eyes brimming with concern faded. She stepped back. “Forgive me. You wish to be alone.”
    A fine way to treat the lass, especially one whose aid he sought. Caught up in his own frustration of wanting Catarine, he’d hurt her. “Wait.”
    She halted. Strands of blond hair tossed by the wind fluttered against her cheeks, her gaze hesitant.
    Moved by the depth of feeling she inspired, he steadied himself. “I am sorry.”
    A weak smile worked its way to her mouth, fell. “’Tis for the best.”
    An odd answer. One mayhap he shouldn’t seek further explanation. Still, something about her drew him. Blast it. He needed to know. Trálin pushed himself away from the stone. “What is for the best?”
    She took another step back. “My leaving. We shouldna be out here together alone. ’Tis imprudent, nor a choice I would normally make. But I had dreams.”
    As if her revelation helped anything. Pulse racing, he stepped toward her.
    She remained still.
    “I dreamt of you as well,” he whispered.
    Her face paled, and she shook her

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