know he can’t let these parasites know who he really is , or they’ll try to milk him dry—or worse yet—I shudder, as the thought crosses my mind and I push it away. His office is full of pictures that he has taken with—and for celebrities.
I tune out their conversation as I explore my surroundings.
I hear Precious running down the hallway and I panic , as I turn to alert Drake. Drake is on top of his game and already has it off of speaker phone. He quickly tells her that he has to go and that her check is on its way.
“Manny, Manny, I love it here; I so happy with you.”
“I am so happy with you,” I correct her.
“Hey little bit, what about me?” Drake sniffles, and wipes fake tears away with the back of his hand.
“You are so silly Daddy Drake. It’s your house, of course I’m happy you are here.” She rolls her eyes at him like he just doesn’t get it.
“Your house too,” he states , never missing a beat.
Before I have time to feel left out he adds “And Mandy’s too.’
It is odd the way that Precious calls me : ‘Manny’ and Drake calls me ‘Mandy’ at times. I wonder about the times that he calls me ‘Little girl lost.’ How does he know so much about me? How did he find me and what intrigued him enough to start stalking me?
Oh well; trying to figure out why Drake do es what he does is a lost cause, but my curiosity does get the best of me at times.
I turn around and smile , but my eyes still feel swollen and there is a sadness that surrounds me.
This whole Mom my thing sucks! I love Precious, but that bitch of a Mother of hers is dragging up a whole of lot emotions that I have had buried for a long time…
Chapter Ten
Rico sat listening as Rosa talked on the phone to the latest man that she was swindling. He couldn’t help but think that if he had $1200.00 a month to give a junkie for her unwanted kid, then there must be more where that came from. He had seen Drake around before and he knew that he had a reputation for being crazy. Drake had an ‘off the charts’ temper and he had witnessed him take down a man twice his size one night, when the man kept pestering him for change—for a drink. He wasn’t in a hurry to get into a confrontation with him, but hell, a bullet between the eyes could tame the craziest of people. He would be looking into this guy and seeing if there wasn’t more to him than meets the eye.
Oh my gosh the man is relentless!
“We need to have lunch together again Mandissa. If you are serious about branching out into a larger area, then lunch is not an unrealistic request. It is business Mandissa.”
I hate the way the way that he talks down to me. Like he is so far above me, like I should be grateful for his help. He isn’t fooling anyone and he sure isn’t fooling me. Richard is just another control freak.
“There really isn’t anything to talk about Richard. I don’t have ‘branch out’ money.”
Maybe it grows on trees for you asshole, but I have to work for mine.
“Well Mandissa, we can work something out.”
Just what the hell are you implying; this man is so going to make me ‘move my neck!’ I can’t stand him.
“Just what are you implying, Richard?”
“Don’t be so defensive. I’m just saying that it isn’t like I can’t pull some strings and work out a deal; a deal that can benefit the both of us.”
“This is the last time that we do lunch, Richard!”
“Mandissa, I would think that you would have more respect for your Boss.”
“ Well Richard, if you were my Boss, I would.”
“Lunch Mandissa, be ready to leave at Noon.”
I watch as Richard spouts off like a petulant child. It’s nothing more than his way of trying to gain control of a conversation that isn’t going the way that he projected. I mean