His Black Pearl
White Coat, and I highly doubt either of those would appear on
their birth certificates.
    I take a deep breath.
    My master’s blue eyes are on me, and I do my
best to smile. I have a part to play, and I have a plan. I just
have to stay in character until I finally get my big break, and
    Then I guess I’ll just have to wing it from

    Chapter Five
    I never thought of myself as much of an
actor, but performing comes more easily than I’d ever imagined.
    I moan and sigh in all the right places, and
my master’s lips twitch at the corners ever so slightly. If he
wants a happy slave, then I’ll give him a happy slave. All he has
to do is keep that crop away from me and I’ll be the happiest girl
he ever did see.
    White Coat places a bowl of fruit in front of
us, and when Master lifts a dark grape up to my mouth, I swallow it
    I’m so hungry.
    My stomach rumbles, and Master feeds me bite
after bite of some of the most delicious fruit I’ve ever tasted. He
says the word pela every time he presses a piece of food to my
lips, and slowly I begin to realize that he must be saying eat in
his language.
    Well, if that’s the kind of order he wants to
give me, then I’m only too happy to obey.
    I savor every delicacy that touches my
tongue, and when his hands roam down my hips, my thighs, all the
way up to the slit between my legs, I force myself to stay
    What should I do?
    Oh, God, what should I do?
    It was easy enough to call it an act when all
he did was feed me, but just how far do I plan to let this go? I’m
still a virgin for Christ’s sake. I can’t just sit back and let
myself be raped.
    His fingers travel farther inside me, and my
breath hitches.
    Oh God…
    The shopkeeper’s leathery caresses had been
the first time anyone had ever touched me down there, but this…this
is just so… so…
    I moan low and deep.
    Master’s left arm pulls me tighter to his
chest. His free hand kneads my breast while his right digs deeper
inside me.
    I gasp.
    I shouldn’t like this. I shouldn’t want this,
but I do. Oh, sweet Lord, I do.
    My hips grind into his touch.
    He strokes me harder, deeper, and pulsing
heat blossoms between my legs. I’m so wet. My muscles quiver. My
back arches. Master leans forward and lifts my breast up to his
lips. His tongue teases the tip of my nipple, and when he finally
latches his mouth upon me, I explode.
    Oh sweet mother of God!
    I’ve never felt anything like this. It’s
ecstasy. It’s bliss. It’s…
    My whole body tingles.
    Waves of dark pleasure roll over me, through
me. He nibbles my flesh. He rubs unending circles into my cunt, and
I never want it to stop. Please, Lord, don’t let it stop.
    I climax a second time and then a third, but
Master doesn’t stop there. He pushes me harder, further, deeper,
and it’s all I can do to keep up.
    I cry out like an animal.
    My head slumps against his shoulder. My whole
body melts into his. I suck in one delicious breath after the next,
and when my master finally looks down at me, I’m limp and pliant in
his arms.
    He gives my breast one last tender kiss
    “Sona, Isa,” he says. “Sona.”
    I shiver.
    What in God’s name was that?
    I’ve heard of orgasms before, but I’ve never
felt one. I’ve never even masturbated. Why would I? I was always
the good girl. Sure, I might cuss a little bit here and there, but
when Friday night comes around, I’m always the one at home studying
while everyone else is out combing Sixth Street for a hook-up.
    My eyes cloud over.
    I shouldn’t be here. I should be eating
barbecue with my mom and dad back in Texas, not moaning like a wild
animal while some stranger fingers me. I should be ashamed. I
should want to die rather than let this man touch me. I should—
    Master brushes the hair out of my eyes, and
when I look up at him, those terrifyingly beautiful eyes meet
    Oh, Lord, why do they have to be so
    He smiles down at me and

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