His and Hers and Hers
out of whatever trance she’d been in as she’d been writing. “Ah…you’re up early. Off to work?”
    He knew from her blush and stammer that she felt as awkward as he did. “Nah, it’s a family thing.” As a highway maintenance supervisor for the state Department of Transportation, he rarely had to report weekends unless the weather was extreme or there was an emergency. “You mind if I take a quick shower?”
    “No, not at all. The, um, you’ll find the fresh towels—”
    “That’s all right.” He grinned at her. “I’ll just use yours.”
    She blushed redder, and Jordan’s self-consciousness dissipated. He wanted to linger a bit longer, tease her more. “You’re up pretty early yourself. Ky’s out like a light. I’d think you’d be too, after—”
    She cut him off before he could refer to their night together. “I’m used to getting up early. It’s just habit.”
    “Ah.” He gestured to her notebook. “What are you writing?”
    “Just…it’s my journal. It’s just how I keep my thoughts straight.”
    He nodded, wanting to ask her if she’d written about their threesome. But that was too personal a question, too private, in spite of the fact that they’d fucked last night. He winced at that word: fucked . It was too harsh and raw for what had gone down. It had been hot and fun, but also loving.
    Whoa . Had he really gone there? He loved Kyla. His feelings for Cassie were—well, after last night, he didn’t have a clue what they were. Suddenly at a loss, he ducked his head. “Well, I better hit the shower.”
    Under the hot spray of water, Jordan slowly worked his cock, reliving the night before in his imagination. Some of the guys on his work crew liked to brag about their exploits. A couple of them were married with women on the side, while others were single and considered themselves players. They clowned with Jordan, called him “Dudley Do-Right” or just “Dud” because he never joined in their raunchy talk. They pretended to pity him for his supposed sexual monotony.
    Man, if they only knew.
    Not that he’d ever talk about it. Even though his memories had all the makings of some letter to a men’s magazine:
    Dear Playhouse,
    Let me tell you about the night I did my hot girlfriend and her freaky BFF…
    His thoughts wandered to Cassie’s journal. What had she written?
    Dear Diary,
    Last night was the biggest mistake of my life…
    His hard-on deflated. Quickly Jordan finished his shower and scrubbed himself dry with a clean towel from a shelf next to the sink.
    Once dressed, he returned to the kitchen and the aroma of fresh coffee. Jordan’s fingers touched Cassie’s as she handed him a full mug. He almost groaned as the brief touch sent him flashing back to having his hands on her hips, pumping into her as she went down on Kyla.
    “Thanks.” His voice sounded garbled, as though his mouth was full of cotton.
    She gave him a shy smile as he took a sip of the hot brew.
    “All right?” she asked.
    “Perfect.” Black with one sugar. That she knew how he took his coffee was a small gift that turned him tender with affection and hard with lust. Holding the cup in one hand, he drew her close with his free arm and brushed a soft kiss across her lips.
    “You should go back to bed, get some more sleep,” he said. “You must be exhausted.”
    Though she went still as his hand drifted down her back to rest on her butt, she didn’t move away. Jordan heard her breathing hitch, come faster. She curled her fingers in the open collar of his shirt. “What about you?”
    “Oh, believe me, thinking of you two hotties snuggled up together will keep me wide-awake.”
    The image wakened his cock as well. It came to life, and he pulled Cassie close, rubbed his hard-on against her belly as he kissed her possessively. The way he’d kiss Kyla if she were awake.
    He pulled away and grinned. Was he the luckiest son of a bitch in the world, or what? He took one last swallow from the mug.

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