Hidden Shadows (The Shadow Series Book 1)

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Book: Read Hidden Shadows (The Shadow Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Lauren Hope
sighing and resting her hands on the growing belly, and he'd caved.
    Part of it, he knew, was duty. Taking care of family, doing what needed to be done. The rest, he was okay to admit, was love.
    He wanted her to have everything she needed this time around, and if this nurse or shrink, or whatever she was, is what Heidi needed, well, it’s what she needed.
    It’s probably what Joseph needs too, if he’d get his butt back here.
    Irritated at the thought and not daring mention Joseph, Ben stood and plucked a pamphlet from a full holder on the wall. While Heidi thumbed through a magazine, he skimmed the information that reminded him this place was supposed to help an expectant mother and father before and after birth. A childbirth educator, the foldout said, was for any parent-to-be, but could particularly be of help to women (and couples) who’ve had previous trauma, baby loss, or depression in the conception process.
    Unfortunately, he thought with a sting of heartache, most of those could apply to Heidi.
    Though he wasn’t sure about telling a stranger all of life’s problems and expecting a life-changing epiphany, or cure for past hurts, he had high hopes this might actually be good for her.
    He hoped this childbirth education woman wasn’t a fluke and that she’d actually help. He didn’t know what to say to Heidi anymore . . . about anything. The fears about Joseph, the baby, the past, Ben thought those conversations were much more suited for a professional.
    Come to think of it, that alone made him actually glad he was here. Glad they were here.
    Just as he was about to do something he never did—admit to Heidi she was right on this one—the door opened and in walked the woman he assumed they were there to see.
    A sly smile spread across Ben’s lips. Well, well, isn’t this a turn of events?
    Jenna Gregor, NP, ICEA was none other than the Jenna that had crossed his mind more than a few times over the weekend.
    He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t looking forward to going back to finish up the Stonehaven’s place this afternoon in the hopes he'd see Dawson’s mother again. Preferably in the nice little athletic shorts she had on the first time he’d seen her.
    No luck with the shorts, but here indeed, was the woman.
    Jenna entered the room calmly and gracefully, a sort of quiet comfort. She definitely wasn’t clothed in what he’d expected would be a doctor’s uniform——the almost always unflattering scrubs.
    Instead, she wore fitted black pants with a pale yellow sweater that fit her curves just right. Her lightweight white jacket with J. Gregor, NP stitched over the left breast pocket was the only indicator she was here as the professional and not the patient.
    Smart, Ben thought. Make the people here feel as comfortable as possible. When you’re analyzing someone, listening to their secrets, fears, regrets, desires, you don't want the stiff uniform.
    But you didn’t want to look like a goddess either.
    Okay, so maybe she was going for the professional, approachable look and it was just Ben conjuring up the goddess image. But what man with blood running through his veins would blame him? The woman was a vision.
    The pants fit the curve of her hips with what he could only come up with as delicious, and that yellow shade of her top made her dark hair and fair skin glow. The pieces of hair falling in a whisper over her brows showcased stunning blue eyes, and the delicate face promised a smooth, silky touch.
    Yes, Heidi had definitely been right on this one. He was very glad he’d come today. Maybe he’d be extra supportive and attend just one or two more appointments.
    When Jenna walked into a room with waiting patients, she was always ready. At the door she dropped thoughts of the kids’ schedules, a day’s worth of errands that needed doing, or anything on her own agenda. Her main goal was to help the woman or couple inside that room in whatever capacity needed.
    Today, she

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