Hidden (Marchwood Vampire Series #1)
and not in some scabby care home. Your
relation would’ve been pleased we gave you a home.’
    ‘ Mmm.’ Madison felt uncomfortable at the direction the
conversation was taking.
    Angie looked at Trevor and then at Madison. ‘So, Maddy,’ she
said. ‘What an interesting sixteenth birthday you’ve had. You’re not gonna forget
today in a hurry.’ She looked at her husband again.
    ‘ Trevor and me have agreed you can go out with your mates
tonight if you want. But I wouldn’t mention what’s happened today
to any of them. You know what people are like when money’s
involved. I mean me and Trev, we’ve just got your best interests at
heart, but … Well, you just don’t know how other people are going
to react. They might try and take advantage. You need to be careful
now, Maddy.’
    ‘ Can I go out now then?’ Maddy rose to her feet.
    ‘ Don’t you want to finish your takeaway?’
    ‘ Not really that hungry, thanks.’
    ‘ Go on then, love. Have a good time,’ Trevor said. ‘Me and
Ben’ll finish yours, won’t we, lad? You need a bit of building up
anyway.’ He squeezed Ben’s skinny bicep.
    ‘ Not too late please. Big day tomorrow with that solicitor and
everything.’ Angie stood up and kissed her cheek. ‘Happy Birthday,
    Maddy got
changed and rushed downstairs, relieved to get out of the house
into the evening air. Things had never felt stranger. She walked
towards the park, texting Keisha and Lois on the way. They arranged
to meet up in ten minutes time.
    As she walked
across the tarmac, Maddy saw her friends were already there. They
were easy to spot. Keisha, a half Afro-Caribbean, half English
beauty, with long brown hair and a willowy figure. And Lois, with
her streaked blonde hair, big boobs and an attitude radiating from
every knock-off designer fibre.
    When Maddy
started at Collingstone, she’d slotted into their friendship easily
and although the others had known each other since they were tots,
it felt like the three of them had always been together.
    Maddy ignored
Angie’s advice and immediately told her friends what had happened
with the solicitor.
    ‘ You’re winding us up, right?’ Keisha raised a perfectly
plucked eyebrow.
    ‘ I know it sounds insane. But I’m totally serious.’
    ‘ Girl, that isn’t something to go joking about.’
    ‘ I’m not.’
    ‘ But then … wow! You’re like, set for life. If you’re having a
laugh, I’ll …’
    ‘ I’m not!’
    ‘ Mads, I can’t believe it.’ Lois threw her arms around her
friend and hugged her. Then all three of them started jumping up
and down, whooping and laughing.
    ‘ Yeah!’ Lois screeched. ‘Don’t you go forgetting your friends
though. You’ll be going out with film stars and partying with Paris
and Lindsay while we’re stuck here getting jiggy with it, to Paul
Mancini’s mobile disco.’
    Mads and
Keisha laughed at her intentionally crap dance moves.
    ‘ Where is Gloucester anyway?’ Keisha asked. Is it in the
country? You gonna have to move there?’
    ‘ It’s Gloucestershire I think, some village called Tetbury or
something. I dunno where it is and I ain’t moving to the country.
Nothing going on there. Maybe I could buy a place in town and we
could all move in together.’
    ‘ Oh, Mads, you’re gonna live the dream.’
    They spent the
rest of the evening theoretically spending sixty one million
    Trevor and
Angie had made an effort for their trip into town. Trevor in a
too-tight suit and Angie with flattened hair and a new skirt and
blouse. They made Ben put on a shirt and tie, but Maddy wouldn’t be
told what to wear and decided on faded stretch jeans, black wedges,
a strappy vest and lots of jewellery. She pulled her black hair
into two cute bunches and went heavy on the eyeliner.
    A warm breeze
wafted a musty, oily scent into Maddy’s nostrils and she inhaled
deeply as they descended the escalator. Their tube wasn’t too busy
and they all got a seat.
    ‘ You

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