Leia’s footsteps drew nearer. “Even if that’s true, you might want to consider a sturdy pair of repulsor boots.”
He aimed a skewed grin over his shoulder. Kashyyyk’s humidity had fashioned a mane of Leia’s long hair, andupdrafts tugged at her flowing skirt and sleeveless blouse.
“No need to worry, sweetheart. I’m already down there.”
Leia came alongside him and glanced warily over the edge. “And I thought the view from our apartment was unnerving …” She took gentle hold of Han’s arm and eased him back from the edge. “You’re making me nervous.”
“That’s gotta be a first.” He forced a smile. “I’m fine.”
Leia’s brow furrowed. “Are you, Han? I heard about what happened with Malla and Waroo.”
He shook his head in renewed agitation. “I have to put an end to this life-debt business once and for all.”
“Just give it time. They’ll understand. Remember when I couldn’t even go to the ’fresher without Khabarakh or one of the other Noghri insisting on accompanying me?”
“Yeah, and you’ve still got the Noghri bodyguarding you. Not to take anything away from all they’ve done for you.”
“I know what you’re getting at.”
Han shook his head. “Uh-uh, you don’t know what I’m getting at. See, you could probably
the Noghri to stay away from you. But Wookiees are different. If you think that Lowbacca or Waroo are going to let this slide, you’d better think again.”
Leia crossed her arms and grinned. “Okay. So as soon as we get back to Coruscant I’ll have Cal Omas or someone propose legislation that limits the terms of a Wookiee life debt.”
“And risk angering Councilor Triebakk? Forget it. I’ll deal with this in my own way.”
Chilled by Han’s scowl, Leia straightened her smile. “I didn’t mean to sound flippant, Han. I understand what you’re feeling. Today couldn’t have been easy for you.”
He averted his gaze. “I wish I understood what I was feeling. I thought the ceremony would help put things to rest, but it’s only made matters worse. Maybe if I’d been able to retrieve Chewie’s body and there’d been some kind of funeral …” He allowed his words to trail off, then shook his head angrily. “What am I talking about? It’s more than missing out on some ritual.”
Leia waited for him to continue.
“I know I can’t change what happened at Sernpidal, but I blame myself for getting us into that fix to begin with.”
“You were trying to save lives, Han.”
“And a lot of good it did anyone.”
“Have you told Anakin that you’ve made your peace with not being able to save Chewie?” Leia asked cautiously.
Bitterness contorted Han’s face. “That was my biggest mistake—putting him in the pilot’s seat.”
“I don’t mean that it was Anakin’s fault. But I know I wouldn’t have made the same decisions he made.” He snorted a bitter laugh. “We’d all be dead—Chewie, Anakin, me … And now this craziness about continuing the life debt.” Han paced away, then whirled to face her. “There’s no way I’m going to be responsible for the death of another member of the honor family, Leia.”
“You weren’t responsible.”
“I was,” he snapped. “Who knows what kind of life Chewie would have had if I hadn’t dragged him all overthe galaxy running spice and chak-root and whatever else we could smuggle.”
Leia frowned. “Meaning what, Han? That you shouldn’t have rescued him from slavery? For all you know, Chewie might have ended up dying in an Imperial labor camp or in some construction accident. You can’t allow yourself to think that way. Besides, don’t try to tell me that Chewie didn’t enjoy gallivanting around with you—and that had nothing to do with a life debt. You heard what Ralrra said: Adventure was the reason Chewie left Kashyyyk to begin with. You and he were two of a kind.”
Han firmed his lips. “I guess I know that. Still …” He
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane