Her Submission

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Book: Read Her Submission for Free Online
Authors: Vonna Harper
and tucks neatly into almost any pocket. As long as you don’t test it, you’ll be relatively comfortable. It’s a hell of a lot more effective than rope which I know a great deal about. No give to it.”
    How do you know about rope? Oh god, what are you?
    He got off her. Even though she couldn’t see him, she knew he was getting to his feet, using her buttocks to brace himself against. Suddenly his fingers dug into her and he groaned. His breathing quickened and he cursed.
    The man from earlier today. The injured one with the strawberry ice cream cone, flat tire, and strange grey eyes!
    “ I knew wrestling you to the ground wasn’t the best idea but nothing ventured, nothing gained. I’ve been out of commission too damn long.”
    He’d decided to capture her even though he wasn’t in the best physical condition? It made no sense—unless he’d been unable to stop himself.
    What if he was a murderer, a serial killer?
    Powerful hands clamped around her elbows and he hauled her onto her feet. Even with his hold so tight he was bruising her, she struggled to wrench free.
    He pulled her against his chest and wrapped an arm around her neck, stopping her desperate fight for freedom. “You won’t listen to me at this point.” He whispered into her ear. “But I’m going to give you a piece of advice anyway. When I want a woman, she becomes mine. You won’t be getting free.”
    No, no, no! Don’t say that!
    His teeth scraped her skin behind her ear and sent cold shivers through her.
    “ Time to get on the road. I’ve taken enough chances—chances that have worked to my advantage.”
    He dragged her around to his side while keeping his arm against her throat and under one arm. The moment he started walking, she had no choice but to stumble backward. All too soon she lost her footing. He dragged her behind him as if she weighed no more than a child. Unwanted memories charged through her, bringing with them hard lessons. Like years ago, someone had taken control of her. Fighting her captor was more than useless, she wouldn’t win this battle.
    A corner of her mind tried to remind her that tonight was far different from when she’d been sixteen, but everything was happening too fast for the message to make an impact. Her heels dragged first on sand and then over pine needles and other debris. Would anyone notice?
    Would anyone care if she disappeared?
    When her captor paused to shift his hold, she tried to dig her feet into the ground. If she’d bothered with shoes she could have at least left one behind as a clue. Maybe—please let it happen—he’d forget about the tools she’d set down. Come morning someone would see them.
    And what?
    His too-strong forearm pressed against her breasts while his fingers dug into her armpit. She felt like a small child being hauled around by an angry parent, only it wasn’t that simple.
    Where was he taking her?
    Before long his breathing became labored and his sweat stuck their clothes together, but he didn’t slow down. She’d been handcuffed enough times that she’d believed she understood what being restrained felt like. However, either the position he’d placed her in was even more restrictive than anything she’d experienced or fear was adding to her sense of helplessness. He was staying as far from the RVs as possible, and despite herself she admired his ability to find his way in the dark. It dawned on her that he must have taken this route before—while planning his abduction of her.
    Doubtless his intention was to rape her. Maybe he thought he could hold her for ransom but no one cared enough about her to pay for her return.
    Why had she lived her life the way she had, keeping distance between herself and the rest of the world?
    “ Damn,” he wheezed. “I’ve never been this out of shape.”
    What was he talking about? Surely he didn’t mean he’d done something like this before.
    Or had he?
    Sick of the never-ending questions she feared she might never

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