your daughter?”
“Yes, I am.”
Emma’s bedroom was small. Willow had painted the walls butter yellow. The curtains and bedding were white. The crib was honey colored and there were large stickers of the Winnie-the-Pooh characters adorning the walls. Across from the crib was a dresser with a Winnie-the-Pooh lamp. Under the window stood the changing table and across from that was the closet.
Willow went to Emma. “Hi, baby-girl. Did you have a nice nap?” Emma stopped crying and smiled. Austin came up behind her and she heard him suck in his breath.
“She’s exquisite, Will .”
Tingly warmth surrounded her body and stopped at her heart. It hurt. She wasn’t sure what Austin’s plans were, but she wanted him to stay with her, with them.
“She is,” Willow agreed, nuzzling her daughter’s neck. Emma giggled.
“May I hold her?”
Willow turned toward him. “What do you think, Emma? Should we let daddy hold you?” She smiled wide.
Austin held out his arms and Willow placed Emma in them. She looked so tiny against his large chest. Carefully he turned the baby so Emma faced him.
Seeing the way he held her, the way he looked at her as though she was the most precious gi ft he’d ever been given, made Willow hot for him. So damn hot. She wanted to rip his clothes off and do things.
He looked at Willow and she was sure he knew what she was thinking. “This turns you on, doesn’t it?”
She swallowed and stuffed her hands in her front pockets. “Whatever.”
He laughed and Emma giggled. “I think it does. I think she likes seeing you in my arms, baby.”
Willow left the room so she could hide her intense blush. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. Last night he’d called her a liar. Now he accepted the truth and everything was fine. She wanted it to be, but she kept remembering how little she knew about him. How much time had passed without hearing a word from him? Those things mattered, didn’t they?
Austin followed Willow out of Emma’s bedroom. He sat on the couch. It was easy to see the wonder in his eyes. Willow went into the kitchen. It was almost time for Emma to eat again.
How would he handle feeding her, burping her, changing her diaper? Sure , babies were cute, but they were also a lot of work. They were sometimes messy, and smelly, and irritating. Willow adored everything about Emma, but then she’d given birth to her. Austin wasn’t around for the pregnancy or the birth. He had no connection with her other than what he was doing now.
Willow glanced into the living room and saw Austin cooing quietly to Emma. He had her head in his hands. Her body was a little longer than his forearms. He was bouncing her up and down gently while he spoke. Emma tried to reach out and grab his face and he kissed her fingers.
Ano ther wave of lust ran through Willow. God, was he being so sexy on purpose?
Emma let out a little whimper.
Austin looked up and smirked. “You’re getting her something to eat, right?”
Willow shook her self out of her lusty haze. “Yes.” Her voice sounded hoarse and Austin winked. “It’s almost ready.” She put the lid on the bottle and brought it over.
“See, mommy’s handling it. Yes, she is.”
“Want me to feed her?” she asked, picking up a burp cloth from the armrest on the rocking chair.
“I’d like to, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure,” she said, unconvinced he really wanted to do it. “You’ll need to burp her after three ounces. Do you know how?”
Austin’s face grew serious. “When she’s ready, I’ll let you show me.”
He scooted back on the couch and turned Emma so her head rested on his right arm, then put the bottle in her mouth. Emma had recently started to reach out to the bottle and “help” hold it. She did that with Austin. Willow watched his face melt. “Willow, she’s the most amazing child I’ve ever seen.” He kept his eyes on Emma and continued. “I’m
Krista Lakes, Mel Finefrock