was she admitting more to Finn Roberts than she had even told her freaking OB/GYN doctor? The voice inside her jumped to her aid. Shut up, Lisa. Just stop talking .
Finn rubbed his nose and tried to smother his grin. “I tried to go as slow as I could. Did I hurt you?” he asked quietly.
He didn’t think he had or Lisa wouldn’t be here, but he wanted to see if she would answer him. He wanted to see if she would answer intimate questions just as honestly as she did simple ones.
“Hurt me?” Lisa said. She heard her voice squeaking again as she confronted the serious concern that was reflected in his face. “You’re serious, aren’t you? Okay—no. No, you didn’t hurt me. You were . . .”
She stopped a moment to consider her words. What could she say? How could she describe the experience of being with Finn without gushing about how amazing it had been?
“You were just the right amount of careful,” Lisa finally said at last, her need to reassure him winning out over her urge to protect her pride.
“Well, you certainly didn’t make being careful easy for me,” Finn said with a grin, his voice low and rough from the desire she stirred in him. “You kept moving under me, urging me on. I almost unleashed the beast several times.”
“Unleashed the beast?” she repeated, laughing at the strange term. “That’s a new one. What do you mean?”
Finn looked at her pointedly. Could this incredibly hot female truly not know how it could be between a man and woman?
“It’s not something you can explain. It’s one of those experiential things. Maybe I could show you sometime,” he challenged.
She crossed her arms and looked at him, wondering at his sudden change of tone. Was he coming on to her for real? Yes , the voice inside her yelled. She could all but see the first in the air.
“You know, you could be saying the ugliest things to me right now and I’d never know the difference, would I? I bet that sexy voice of yours works well for you in the classroom, Dr. Roberts.”
Finn smiled at her snarky, defensive response. He shrugged as if it didn’t matter, but it did. He liked that Lisa challenged him back. He liked that she was demanding in bed. He liked that she had come to him to admit her part in what happened. So far there wasn’t a single thing about the woman he didn’t like.
Lisa sighed. Finn looked like every woman’s fantasy as he stared at her. He looked like a man who any minute might just drag her off to bed. She got a sudden image of her riding him until they both screamed, groaning in shock at the direction of her thoughts.
Coming out of her musing, she blinked rapidly, hoping she hadn’t said anything in her stupor.
When Finn saw her pink face glowing and the light in her eyes as she looked at him, it tightened every muscle he knew about and some he’d forgotten he even owned.
“I have to just tell you something that’s probably rude as hell, but you certainly blush a lot for a woman your age. How long were you married?” he asked.
“A woman my age? Gee, thanks— son ,” Lisa said on a harsh laugh, deflated that Finn had been thinking about how old she was, while she’d been having hot sex thoughts about him. “I guess that sums up what you think of me, doesn’t it? I was married ten years, not that it’s any of your business.”
“It was meant as a compliment,” Finn insisted on a hard laugh. “You can’t be much over forty—if that. And forty is not old, just past the age where women blush about sex—usually. It makes me want to show you what you’ve been missing all the time you were holding out these last few years. I think I would really like to do that.”
Lisa swallowed at his words and couldn’t think of a reply that wouldn’t get her into more trouble with him.
To give them both a little time to absorb the conversation, Finn got up, went to a small refrigerator, and pulled out two bottles of water. He brought one over to her.
Lisa frowned at