Hell Froze Over
well. Someone approached her this morning to deliver a message to Free and the other guys. She called and you know she wasn’t freaked out and worried about the guy approaching her like I would have thought, she was more irritated when I kept trying to talk to her about coming here for safety. She said she needed space.”
    “Space?” Shady frowned. “I didn’t get that vibe from her.”
    “What vibe?” Treat asked with a frown. “Boo is Boo and that is just it. She is one of us you know. Has been since we showed up, why are we even letting her think she needs space, because her space is here with us. If she needs anything, support, all that shit, it is us who gives it to her. Why are we even talking about this, call her right now and tell her to get her little ass here pronto.”
    “Yeah,” Harmony said. “I mean, we haven’t had time to bond or anything, but Boo is one of us, she shouldn’t have even questioned coming here. This is her home, is it not?”
    Bic shook her head. “She has an apartment on the outside.”
    “Why?” Freedom asked and they were all silent.
    “I told her a few times she should tell Freebyrd to assign her a bungalow.” Bic shrugged. “She always said that they were for the members.”
    “Well yeah, and she is a member,” Bob said, walking into the room with a container of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, with Jas, Shady’s daughter, following with a spoon.
    “Shay!” Jas yelled loudly. “Bob totally ripped off the last of the ice cream.”
    Jas and Shady had developed a tenuous relationship. Although Shady was her mother, she hadn’t raised her. No, Jas had been hidden by her father, but Shay and Jas had finally been reunited. The young girl was a chip off the old block though. She fit right into the Lady Riders.
    “Shut up,” Bob said and pushed the younger girl playfully.
    “Nope,” Jas said and pushed out her jean clad hip the same way her mother did when she was being ‘sassy’ (this was the new word Slider and Cajun were calling Jas, they all thought it was gonna be her road name soon).
    Shady looked up and winked at Jas and then said, “Bob, how many times have I told you to stop eating my kid’s ice cream?”
    “The same amount of times you told me I had a big ass, but it doesn’t matter, my little Baby Bear needs nourishment,” Bob said and took a big bite of ice cream and moaned.
    Jas laughed, then flicked her long hair and left the room. “That little girl is like a mini Shady,” Bob growled. They had all commented on the similarities between Shady and Jas these days. The girl wore only Harley like her mom, and also had begun asking Kink for a tat. Totally not going to happen though.
    “Okay, back to Boo. Call her,” Nike said frowning. “We are just sitting here speculating, call her, no wait, I will call her and tell her to get her ass over here.”
    Nike pulled her phone from her back pocket and leaned against the door jam and hit one of her speed dials. Of course Boo was on there just like the rest of the Lady Riders, she thought, why the fuck wouldn’t she be ? Rolling her eyes, she put the phone up to her ear and listened to it ring…and ring…and ring… Nike began tapping her foot and then held her phone out and glared at the screen checking to see if she dialed right.
    “No answer,” Nike snapped. “That is not cool. She always picks up the phone, I don’t think she has ever ignored me.”
    Bic nodded and said, “I tried calling her several times, and she sent me to voicemail.
    Shady stood and walked to her saddlebag and pulled out her phone. She dialed and waited for a second and then frowned. “Hey,” she said into the phone. “Trace Boo’s phone and tell me where she is.”
    The girls were all silent as they waited. All of the Lady Rider’s phones were low-jacked with a tracker. It was necessary because of some of the clients they had coming into the safe house, anything could happen, which was why the guys insisted on

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