Heat Up the Night

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Book: Read Heat Up the Night for Free Online
Authors: Skylar Kade
room, landing on everything and nothing, before returning to him. Her hands clenched on the bedspread, her rounded French-tipped nails making him wish he were the one being touched. Her tongue flicked out across her bottom lip. “Yes. Sir.”
    As he’d expected. “Relief from what?” He started running his hands up and down her thighs, warming her cool skin. Her green eyes went two shades darker between one slow blink and the next.
    “Everything, I guess. I get through the week and it’s like my insides have been so twisted up. Like those old grandfather clocks that need to be wound up to run, but the opposite, because being wound up saps me of energy. And being here…being with you…it’s like a clean slate.”
    Fuck. Her raw words scored at his heart. He could see fatigue in the slight lines around her eyes, the dip of her shoulders, even the little chips in her nail polish. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Anything you need, baby. I’m here to provide for you. Yes, I get pleasure out of this, but tonight is all about you, okay? Hell, it’s always about you.”
    Her throat bobbed and her eyes sank closed. “Thank you Sir.”
    Not another minute could pass with this distance between them. Keilor hauled her into his arms and settled her across his lap, her head lying against his shoulder. “Hard limits?”
    “Same as before. No bondage, needles, medical. I can’t remember everything on the list I filled out the first night but—”
    He squeezed her hip. “I have your list. I just wanted to hear it from you.” He paused a beat, wanting her to know what he had in store for tonight but bracing for a negative reaction. “What about sexual contact?”
    Tension lined her back and her arms froze around his neck. She held her breath and he watched her eyes widen, pupils dilate, lashes flutter over her far-seeing eyes. “Oh yes,” she breathed. “I think I would like that very much.”
    “Wonderful.” His lips sought out the sensitive juncture of her neck and dropped kisses on her skin. Pride blossomed in his chest when goose bumps exploded under his lips. A ragged inhale proclaimed her arousal. “Are you ready to begin?”
    “Yes. Definitely, Sir.”

Chapter 7
    The whole week, Tovia had ingrained in her mind that the club was a separate space from reality. She could be whoever she wanted in here, the perfect submissive, the giving lover, the tender partner. And once she left, that woman would stay behind and she could return to her safe, if boring, existence.
    And that had all worked until Keilor kissed her, then she couldn’t imagine going one day, let alone one week, without tasting him again. She’d been off balance since. When he made his not-so-subtle offer of some full-body contact? Holy hotness, she was shocked her panties hadn’t melted straight to the floor. Every cell reached for him, practically laying back and screaming, “Take me now!”
    Despite all those words of caution she’d heard ad nauseam since her father’s departure, Keilor’s mere presence burned away her fears, like nothing bad could ever happen in his presence. His touch had her believing in ridiculous things, futures that were not her own.
    But for one night, she’d pretend. She’d let the walls of the club replace her own. When she left, she’d leave him behind and take with her all that wonderful stress relief…somehow.
    Her skin buzzed like an electrical current ran from her toes through the top of her head, amping up when Keilor’s hot, possessive gaze swept over her. He reached around her back to unclasp her bra then pulled at the straps until she was bare. Her nipples tightened from the promise in his eyes.
    “Lie back, spread eagle.”
    She complied, blushing when she realized just how little her panties would hide her. She was wet, eager, sure he could smell her arousal. And that only made her hotter.
    “I’m not going to bind you. But if you move, I will punish you.”
    Tovia about melted just from

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