Haunting Refrain
definitely wasn't a patrol car. She was more cautious than she used to be—the urban developers were gradually devouring the wooded mountain, and crossroads and driveways intersected the twisting two-lane more and more frequently. This way might no longer be faster, but it was still more fun.
    She got to the meeting a couple of minutes early and saw that the entire group was present tonight. She guessed the word had spread. Choosing a desk in the semicircular arrangement, she took a small notepad from her purse, determined to be calm and dignified.
    An awkward young man in a blue uniform represented the police. Detective Waite wasn't wasting her time with the lunatic fringe, Kate thought. She knew the only reason the police sent even this man was because Martin insisted that the university was upset.
    Martin, taking in Kate's appearance with a raised eyebrow, introduced Officer Paul Wolynski to her.
    “You're not quite what I expected, Ms. McGuire,” Wolynski said.
    Kate, hoping none of the students would comment on her unusual attire, remained seated and offered her hand. The officer shook it politely. “Please,” she said. “Call me Kate.”
      All conversation came to an abrupt halt with the entrance of Venice . It could only be called an entrance.   Kate covered her eyes and groaned. A full-length, wine-colored cape swirled over her flowing skirt. Tinkling bracelets lined her arms and a cascade of gold hoops fell from her ears to her shoulders, but it was the gold lamé turban, hiding all but a few hennaed curls, that held everyone’s attention. She sailed into the room like a gypsy queen, fixing them all with a dark stare. Kate wondered at that until Venice got closer, and she realized that a thick layer of false eyelashes kept the woman's eyes half closed. She resolved to kill Venice after the meeting.
    The group, still silent, focused on Venice as she extended her hand, heavy with jeweled rings, to the policeman. He looked as if he didn't know whether to shake it or fall on his knees and kiss it. Martin blinked several times as if clearing his vision.
    Kate, taking pity on the speechless men, stood and introduced them. “ Venice , this is Paul Wolynski , obviously from the police force. Paul, this is Venice Ashburton, a harmless lunatic we've taken in.”
    Smiling at Venice 's indignant glare, Kate added, “She's also a gifted psychic.”
    It wasn't until Kate turned to sit back down that she saw John sitting quietly in a corner. He smiled and shrugged toward Venice , who had taken the seat beside Kate. So that's what this show is about, Kate thought. That old witch let the reporter slip in without being noticed. She’s probably hoping he’ll put her picture in with his next article.
    Kate nodded curtly in his direction but didn’t denounce him. Instead she turned her back and concentrated on what Martin was saying.
    “By now you've all read or heard about Kelly Landrum and know that the white sweatband belongs to her. Officer Wolynski is here on behalf of the police to observe our tests. But under the circumstances, I don't think we would get very far with our usual experiments, so I'll let him explain what he wants first.” He nodded to the policeman and then sat down.
    The young officer coughed, cleared his throat, and said, “Uh, I brought some things that belong to Kelly Landrum, and I would like for the two, that is, for Ms. Ashburton and Ms. McGuire to take a look at them and see if they, uh, can tell us anything.”
    Venice immediately rose in a swirl of color and stepped up to the table beside him. “Certainly. What did you bring?”
    Wolynski looked helplessly at the professor, who said, “ Venice , if you don't mind, I would like for Kate to go first. You will have a different article, and we'll see what happens.”
    Venice , miffed, swept her skirt around and returned to her seat.
    Kate, resigned to her role in the fiasco, said nothing and stayed at her desk. She held out her open hand to

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