Hart's Passion (Pirates & Petticoats Book 2)
word to retrieve something vitally important.” She needed comprehension and understanding from him. Instead, his face showed a hardened resolve, making her shoulders tighten.  
    She lowered her voice. “It was his dying request, Uncle Jared. Please.”  
    His expression softened slightly, and for a moment, it appeared he understood. Then he shook his head. “I’m sorry, Keelan. Such a journey can never be made safely by you or anyone in our family. I cannot let you go in good conscience. It’s now my duty to see to your welfare and so I shall.”
    Horrified, Keelan glared at Everett, who stood a little straighter at Jared’s words, but wouldn’t meet her gaze.  
    Everett stepped forward. “Sir, I am prepared to marry your niece as soon as you deem necessary.”
    Uncle Jared glanced at Everett and uncrossed his arms. He frowned and lowered his voice to a more soothing tone…A tone that had warning bells sounding in Keelan’s head. “I’ll consider your offer with Pratt’s. We shall discuss particulars in the study.”
    Keelan could only stare in disbelief at her uncle. A marriage to Pratt was a prison sentence. How could he even consider such a thing?
    “Uncle Jared, please don’t do this. I cannot marry Pratt. He is unsavory and cruel—”
    He batted her words away. “Keelan, those rumors are typical of ones spread by the house slaves. You’d do better not to listen to them. They carry no credence.” He managed to look a little sympathetic. “He’s older by more than a bit, but trust me Keelan. You’ll live quite well.”
    Tears burned in the back of her eyes. She couldn’t let this happen. She simply couldn’t. It was time to admit her plans. “Uncle Jared, I cannot marry Pratt. I…I have a confession.”
    Uncle Jared’s brows rose. “I don’t doubt it. You tried to sneak away, rather than confer with me about your plans, so obviously you knew I wouldn’t approve.”
    She hoped if he understood her true motives, he’d let her go. “If truly your motive is for me to be happily wed, then let me go. I will be fine. I’ve promised Captain Hart I would marry him . He’s waiting for me. I’m on my way to his ship. Daniel and Slaney will go to Boston and then on to England. They will secure Papa’s trunk for me. He told me there is important information within it which I must secure.” She moved closer to her uncle and murmured, “I believe I’ve discovered who is behind the assassinations.”
    “Really?” Her uncle looked at her in surprise. “How? Who?”
    She pulled him out of the doctor’s earshot and told him her suspicions about Everett Garrison. “The ‘accidents’ began after the sinking of the ship. Then Papa got sick and died while under his care.” She tiled her head in the doctor’s direction. “It makes sense, don’t you see?”
    Jared inhaled deeply then let his breath out in a sympathetic whoosh. “Keelan, my dear, I understand your reasoning a little, but it doesn’t quite fit with the events.”
    “It does, Uncle Jared, think about—“
    He held up his hand and closed his eyes. “He can’t be responsible, my dear. I received a post today from my eldest brother’s barristers. Edmond was found murdered in his home. The assassin is in England. Dr. Garrison has been with us for months, Keelan.”  
    Everett coughed and raised his voice, “I believe, Miss Keelan, you might have been duped by Captain Hart. On my way to your uncle’s office, I passed by the docks and witnessed both the Seeker and the Desire departing the port for open sea. For South America, I was told by the harbormaster. I’m sorry, Miss Keelan, but perhaps you misunderstood Captain Hart’s intentions?”
    His words hit her like a blow to the stomach. Her tongue seemed to be paralyzed; she could only stare. A sharp jolt pierced her chest. No, it had to be a lie. She did not misunderstand Landon. He wouldn’t leave without her. Would he?  
    She recalled their last conversation in

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