Harm None: A Rowan Gant Investigation

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Book: Read Harm None: A Rowan Gant Investigation for Free Online
Authors: M. R. Sellars
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Horror, Paranormal, Mystery, Police Procedural, serial killer, Witchcraft, Occult
last few moments of Ariel Tanner’s life to play
themselves out upon the empty screen I had created.
    My vision tunneled, and colors bled away,
running like paint being poured from a can. I could hear the
melodious humming of a female voice, pretty and distinct. I looked
around to see where it originated, only to realize that it was
coming from within me as I assumed Ariel’s role. A part of me
struggled to remain earthbound, and I knew that the humming was
occurring only inside my head. My conscious self would have to
narrate what I was seeing for Ben.
    “I, Ariel, am humming,” I told him. “I’m
happy and I’m getting ready to fix myself something for
    “Whaddaya mean ‘you, Ariel’?” Ben was
perplexed. “What are ya’ talkin’ about?”
    “Just listen,” I instructed him.
    What was that? A noise. Maybe there’s
someone at the door. I’d better check.
    The scenario continued to project itself
inside my mind, and I turned and walked to the door. I was vaguely
aware of Ben quickly shuffling out of my path and following along
behind me.
    “There might be someone at this door,” I
continued talking aloud. “She heard a noise, and she’s checking on
it. She’s opening the door.”
    That’s funny, no one there. I was sure I
heard something. I guess I just imagined it. Oh well, I need to eat
soon. I just took my insulin twenty minutes ago.
    “There’s no one there.” I went on, “She
thinks she must have imagined the noise.” I turned and walked back
to the counter. “She’s a diabetic, and she has to eat something
because she just took her insulin.”
    “Yeah, we found it in the fridge,” Ben told
me hesitantly, and I didn’t admonish him.
    What?! What’s going on? Who’s there? STOP!
Let me go! Don’t do that! Get that away from my face! What’s that
smell? I’m gagging. Stop it!
    I could feel her struggling as she was
grabbed from behind, and I was forced to tense my own muscles to
keep from lashing out in a mirrored response. A phantomlike, sickly
sweet odor tickled my nostrils, urging me to drift off into sleep.
I shook my head, fending off the woozy sensation. “Someone grabbed
her from behind. She’s struggling, but he’s too strong. She smells
something. He put something over her face. Chloroform or
    Dizzy. Sleepy. I’m falling. Falling.
    “She’s blacking out,” I stated urgently.
    Ouch! What was that? Something bit me on my
arm. Did a mosquito get in here? No. It felt like a needle. Oh, I
feel strange. What’s happening to me? Why does my head feel like
this. I’m dizzy. Why is the room getting so dark?
    “Pain,” I almost shouted. “Something on her
arm. A bite? No, a needle. The bastard drugged her. Look at his
face, Ariel! Dammit, look at his face!”
    The sequence ended in a black fog, and I
stumbled against the counter. I sensed Ben reaching for me
uncertainly then pulling back, apparently remembering I had told
him not to touch me if I tranced.
    “I’m okay,” I told him, regaining my balance
and pulling off my glasses in order to rub my eyes. “He drugged
her. Did the medical examiner check for drugs?”
    “Should have. Tox screens are SOP,” Ben
answered. “I still don’t have a report yet. You sure you’re all
    “Yeah, I’m okay,” I answered. “Let’s keep
going. Maybe she saw his face at some point.”
    “Look, Row,” Ben started. “Uhhh... Are you
tellin’ me that you’re actually seein’ what Ariel Tanner saw the
night she was murdered?”
    “Believe it or not, Ben,” I looked at him
squarely in the face. “Yes. That’s exactly what I’m telling
    “Jeezus,” he said, “I’ve seen some strange
shit, but this...” his voice trailed off.
    Though I had explained to Ben some of the
more minor aspects of WitchCraft, this was the first time he had
ever seen any of the abilities I had cultivated in my studies.
Considering his feelings on the subject, I realized I was asking
him to take a

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