Hardcore: Volume 1
minutes.” I blew past him and into his apartment, too pissed to fully appreciate the beauty of the space.
    Black wood floor stretched wall to wall in the open room, the kitchen and living room visible. Several tall windows spanned the long wall, looking out over Manhattan, and in between were massive photographs in black and white. Off to the side looked to be a small gallery with a huge painting showcased in the center, rectangles in shades of cobalt blue with the bottom rectangle in deep, blood red. A Rothko, if I was guessing right. If it was, I was certain that single piece of art was worth millions.  
    Hot and loaded. Great.
    I folded my arms across my chest, anxious to maintain some level of control as I tracked him across the room, noting that he’d left a path to the door clear. My eyes lingered on the entryway before finding his again. “Say what you need to say.”
    He took a breath and stood up a little straighter. The action stretched his Henley a bit tighter across his wide chest, and he set his jaw. He looked determined, and I shifted, sending the sentiment right back at him.  
    “I turned around and you were gone, just like that. But I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I had to know who you were, and when I met back up with the guys, one of them said they knew your friend Morgan. They used to run together, and he remembered meeting you. I found out your name and that you were a messenger, and once I had that, it was easy to get you here.”
    I just stood there, trying not to explode. “This is so fucked up.”
    He ran a hand over his mouth. “I don’t know why I expected you to be happy to see me, not after you ran. Not after you wouldn’t give me your name.”
    “Me neither.”
    He stared at me, his eyes so intense that I almost buckled under the pressure. “I’m Van.”
    His name reverberated through my body. “You already know my name.”
    “Yeah, but I want you to tell me.”
    “Why should I?”
    He held up the iPad and gave it a little shake. “Well, I do have this.”
    “Yeah, I don’t know if my dignity is worth that.”
    His lips twitched into a small smile. “You weren’t too worried about it on the roof.”
    “Fuck you, man.” I stepped toward the door.
    He didn’t move to follow me. “What are you afraid of?”
    I stopped dead and glared at him. “I’m not afraid.”
    He stepped toward me, and energy snapped between us. He stopped close enough that I could smell him. The proximity overloaded my senses. “Tell me your name.”
    “Cory,” I answered, my voice soft. I cleared my throat and looked away. “Will you fucking sign now? I have another job, and you’re wasting my time.”
    He touched my braid that hung over my shoulder, grazing my breast. “Tell me you didn’t think about me again.”
    I swallowed and looked him in the eye. “I can’t.”
    He was quiet for a moment. “I’m sorry I sprang this on you.”
    “Yeah, well, you should be.”
    He looked down at me with eyes so deep and dark, I thought I might drown in them. “I want to see you again.”
    “Not possible.” I took a step away to break the connection, and my braid slipped from his fingers. I looked at my watch to hide my discomfort. “Five minutes is up. I did what you asked, now sign that.”
    His face was unreadable as he nodded and looked down to sign his name. He handed the iPad and envelope back to me.
    “This is for you.”
    I rolled my eyes and snatched them both with plans to throw the envelope in the first trashcan I came to. “Of course it is. What exactly did you expect me to do?”
    He shrugged and smiled, though it faded as he spoke. “I was hoping for some heavy petting, maybe a marriage proposal for my ingenuity. I would have settled for a date, though. I definitely didn’t expect knives out, but now that we’re here, it’s the only thing that makes sense.”
    “That’s the smartest thing you’ve said to me.” I turned for the door. “How about you don’t stalk me

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