Hammer & Nails

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Book: Read Hammer & Nails for Free Online
Authors: Andria Large
police,” she says tightly.
    “Bitch, call the boys, you ain’t better than me!” I say, putting on my best diva and snapping my fingers.
    “Oh Jesus,” Nolan breathes and face palms.
    “Well, I never!” she exclaims angrily.
    “Dammit, Harley. Let’s go, you’ve made your point.” Nolan sighs, looking completely mortified.
    He holds out his hand to me. I raise an eyebrow at him. “Point? What point?” I ask innocently.
    “Don’t make me carry you out of here,” he says through gritted teeth.
    I send him a look that is pure challenge and defiance. “I dare you,” I hiss.
    “That’s it, I’ll calling the police,” the saleswoman says and storms off.
    Nolan glances at her before turning back to me. “You are really pissing me off. Get out of the tub before she calls the cops.”
    “I want the table,” I state, daring him to say no.
    “Are you fucking serious? That is why you’re doing this?” he spits vehemently.
    “I’m pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve heard you use the F word, Nolan. Good for you.” I smile.
    “Out! Now!” he barks.
    “I want the table,” I sing.
    He makes an aggravated noise and paces away. He turns back and grips my arm. “Fine, get the goddamn table! Now get out!” he snarls and yanks me up by my arm.
    I step out of the tub and stumble as Nolan starts dragging me toward the door.
    “We’re leaving, no need to call the police!” he yells to the salesbitch before hurtling me out the door.
    ~ Nolan ~
    “What the hell is wrong with you?” I shout at Harley when we finally make it outside.
    “Nothing, that lady was a complete bitch,” she replies with a nonchalant shrug.
    “Unbelievable,” I mutter in disbelief.
    I shake my head as I walk across the parking lot toward my car. I shove my hand through my hair, still unable to wrap my mind around what just happened. Not only did she almost have us arrested, but she got me to agree to buy that goddamn table. Just by acting like an immature little brat. I won’t deny that the woman was an absolute bitch, but seriously, that’s to be expected in a place like this.
    “What I find unbelievable, is that you thought bringing me into a place like that would be acceptable. Did you even see the way those snobs looked at me? Like I was some kind of trash.” Harley grunts from behind me.
    I round on her, making her stop in her tracks. “Well, acting like that didn’t help! It was childish and completely uncalled for. What are you, seven? God, grow the hell up,” I snap.
    A multitude of emotions rush across her pretty face. “Maybe, instead, you should open your eyes and realize that not everyone is accepted in your fancy-schmancy world. That woman followed me around the store looking at me like I was about to steal something. So fuck her and fuck you too, Nolan! You set me up!” she shouts, poking me angrily in the chest with her finger.
    “Set you up? What are you talking about?” I ask incredulously.
    “You brought me in there knowing full well how those people would react. You set me up to be humiliated!” she barks, her green eyes flashing angrily.
    I open my mouth to argue, but snap my mouth closed. She’s right. Damn, how did I not realize what I was doing, or the situation I was putting her in? Am I really that self-centered? “I…it wasn’t intentional. I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry,” I say softly.
    She blinks at me, some of the anger in her eyes dying down. “Thanks.”
    Something catches my eye over Harley’s shoulder. I look up to see the woman from the store standing at the door watching us. Her disapproval clear on her face. Harley glances over her shoulder and sighs heavily before turning back around to face me.
    “Can we just go?” she asks, an odd tone to her voice.
    I frown. “Yeah, sure. But I have to do something first.”
    Harley rolls her eyes. “And what’s that?”
    I step into her, wrapping one arm around her tiny waist while cupping her face with the other.

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