Half Way to Love

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Book: Read Half Way to Love for Free Online
Authors: Tressie Lockwood
Tags: Erótica, Contemporary, Interracial, are, all romance, tressie lockwood
in bringing in clients, she might be able to let the messenger thing go for good. The ad had to work.
    By seven that evening, Alex hadn’t called but he’d texted that something had come up. He’d call her later. After her argument with Laney, it felt like a brush off. Maybe now was the time to their affair while she was still sane.
    One more week or two?
    She bundled up to head out. Because she’d spent so much time at Alex’s place, there was nothing to eat in the apartment. Maybe I’ll treat myself since Alex has been paying for food all this time. I can stand one meal out. She grinned at the thought, and the doubt and loneliness in her gut eased.
    A bus uptown let her off in an area where restaurants populated several blocks. She strolled along wondering which one to choose. Something not too expensive but still a splurge would be in order. Passing the restaurant where she’d first met Alex, she paused. He’d been sitting right there , she thought, eyeing the spot. Her heartbeat sped up, and she recalled the anger on his handsome face. The man should have scalped her and his ex, not made her his lover. She was glad he’d done the latter though.
    Alex must be stuck at work, and it was possible he hadn’t eaten dinner yet. His high level position meant she couldn’t go up to his office without clearance, but dropping something off in the lobby might be okay. Excited to surprise him, she forgot all her worries and chose a place to order carry out. When she had the food secured in a plastic bag, she hailed a taxi and told him the address. Alex had mentioned the company where he worked, and she was glad it wasn’t far. The food would still be hot.
    When they pulled up to the front of the building, Shannon paid and hopped out. She looked down at herself and frowned. Not expecting to come here, she hadn’t dressed like she normally would to get Alex all hot and bothered. The jeans weren’t bad, but they weren’t tight like he liked them. Oh well. Besides, he might be busy and could only come down for a quick kiss and to grab the food.
    She strolled into the lobby, smiling. While it was late, people in these buildings often worked into the night. The guard behind the desk didn’t appear surprised when he saw her. Shannon approached. “Hi, I’m here to see Alexander Stone.”
    The guard punched in a few keys on the computer while she leaned an elbow on the high counter. She surveyed the lobby. The place was oversized with high ceilings. Everything seemed to be made of gray marble, from the floor, to the desk, to the walls. A mini waterfall decorated one side with a seating area around it where a person could dip their fingers in.
    “There’s no answer at his number, ma’am,” the guard said. “Would you like to leave a message or wait?”
    She opened her mouth to answer when an elevator bell dinged and footsteps sounded on the floor. Alex, with Laney at his side, strode around the corner. His head was bent close to hear whatever it was she was saying. Her eyes were red, and he held her elbow. In the instant it took Shannon to blink, the realization that they’d just come from upstairs hit her, along with the fact that the only way Laney could have come from there was that she had clearance.
    The two of them walked by, not seeing Shannon, and headed out the door. Shannon whirled to face the guard with a stiff smile. “Have you had dinner? I have some Mexican here.”
    “I’m sorry, ma’am, I can’t accept that, but thank you for the thought.”
    She nodded, numb. “Never mind about Mr. Stone. I don’t want to leave a message. Thanks.”
    Without another word, she rushed out the door and dropped the bagged food into a nearby trash bin. Her appetite had disappeared, and she was sure it wouldn’t be back tonight.

Chapter Four
    Alex dialed Shannon for the fourth time with no answer. He was beginning to worry and hoped she wasn’t pissed off at his clipped text earlier. His VP had been a pain in his

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