
Read Hacked for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Hacked for Free Online
Authors: Tim Miller
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Horror, Mystery
anatomical rearrangement.”
         He took the tool and leaned in, she jumped as he touched it to her labia. The thing was cold as hell. She tried to wiggle around but couldn’t move at all. She had a good idea what he was about to do and it horrified her. Every part of her being wished she would just die right then and there instantly instead of being subject to the pain she knew was about to come.
         Using his fingers, he pulled her labia apart and inserted the tool. It hurt as he slid it inside of her. The cold medal bit at her skin as it rubbed against the inside of her vagina. She wiggled some more, but that only made it hurt more. She tried to close her eyes and take deep breaths hoping he’d be done soon. When he clicked the tool, opening the mandible, she knew this would not be done any time soon. He rotated the tool inside her vagina, as she felt the raw metal cutting and scraping away at her vaginal wall.
         He pulled it out as she made the mistake of looking up. The tip of the Cleaner had a mass of bloody goop on the end. She felt her stomach churn at the site of her inner anatomy on the tip of this torture device. He looked at the tip of the Cleaner and shook the goop off and quickly thrust it back inside of her. This time she almost jumped off her back it hurt so badly.
         She felt the thing probing around inside of her. Her vaginal wall was raw and throbbing from its earlier pass. This time the pain was much more intense. He rotated it once more as she couldn’t keep from screaming.
         “Stop it! Please! Jesus fuck! Stop!” She screamed but he ignored her cries. Pushing it deeper inside her. The tool entered her sex, crudely stretching it out as he opened the mandible once again. The tool rotated inside her, ripping and tearing her cervix as he pushed it further into her uterus. She gasped for air as the pain was almost more than she could take. The pain swept over her body like a tidal wave of torture unlike anything she thought possible.
         It felt as if she were being punched in the stomach from the inside. He rotated the tool once again as it scraped and ripped at the walls of her uterus. Tears ran down her face as the physical pain became overwhelming. Then the thoughts flooded her mind. Her physical womanhood was being ripped from her body, against her will. Like some horrific hysterectomy from hell.
         He pulled it out again, shaking off another thick clump of tissue that was once her uterus. The pain was so bad, she couldn’t even wiggle or move at all without it hurting. He jammed the tool back inside her scraping, twisting and pulling. With each movement it felt like a ball of fire was being ignited inside of her. She screamed and cried with each pull. Despite her cries, he showed no mercy. Abby would have been happy to just pass out or even bleed to death. There was so much blood as he intermittently removed the tool. How was she even conscious, let alone alive?
         At one point he held up a clump still dangling from the Cleaner just inches from her face.
         “You see that? Looks like no little Abby’s in your future. Probably just as well. We don’t need any more shitty little cunts like you running around.” He mocked. Whatever fight may have been left in her was gone at that moment. Perhaps it was just the blood loss, the pain, the shock or the emotional toll of what was happening.
         Looking over at Jason, he had his head turned away. Deep down she hoped he got it far worse than what Rodney had just given to her, but she immediately hated herself for it. Jason had his own issues, but he was nothing like Rodney. He sure didn’t deserve what was about to happen to him, neither of them did, but that didn’t matter in the scheme of things. It was happening regardless.
         All she wanted now was death. This pain she was feeling, the burning and throbbing inside her hurt her entire body every time she took a breath. The

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