Grim: The Beginning

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Book: Read Grim: The Beginning for Free Online
Authors: Glenna Maynard
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Romantic Erotica
other part of me, and by other part I mean my dick, is hornier than a dog in heat.  I want to bend her over my bike and pump her full of me.
    "Let's go for a ride. There's something I want to show you."
    "What, the monster in your pants?" Fuck, I love her smart mouth, every time she smarts off to me I want to make her suck my dick, and put that mouth to use.
    "Maybe later, I want to take you somewhere. I want you to know what I am capable of." I want to show Red just how bad I really am, she needs to know what she just signed on for. I am going to take her to my mother's grave. When I said I was a bad man and that I hurt people, I wasn't bullshitting. I killed my mother, she turned on the club, turned on me. She tried to sale me for drugs to a rival MC, I freaked out and I hit her with a tire iron in the back of the head. Skull cleaned it up for me, took me under his wing. I didn't love my mother anymore than she loved me, but don't make the shit right. I am a mother-fucking monster. Don't deserve Red, but I feel the darkness I carry with me in her. I know she carries it to from killing Benji. 
    Thwack, thump, "Fuck, what was that for," another blow strikes me in the shin, bringing me down on my knees. Romeo punches my ribs, the last thing I see before the world goes black is one of the potentials walking away with Red.
    C oming to I am stretched out on the pool table being examined by the club doctor. Guess I received my beat down. Fuck, did they have to do it before I got laid. My body aches and my muscles are stiff, it hurts when I breathe.  Romeo cracked my god damn rib. Flexing my fingers, I'd like to choke the motherfucker, but I can't. This is my punishment for breaking club rules. Slim extends a hand to help me off the hard ass table. Red is waiting with  a jar of shine for me. The doctor hands me a bottle of pain meds to cope with the pain. Normally the club wouldn't allow him to medicate me, but I am going to have to be able to ride. My run is in three days. Stupid motherfuckers could have waited until I come back. Good thing Red was able to fuck my brains out at least once before I leave, I'm not going to be worth a fucking nickel these last few days I have with her.
    "How long was I out?" I ask as Red and Slim help me to my room at the trailer.
    "About four hours, you were knocked out cold," Red answers not meeting my eyes. She probably thinks I am a big pussy for getting my ass handed to me, but I wasn't allowed to fight back. The rest of my week is spent laid up on the couch with Red tending to my every need. Had to put my run off for a few more days thanks to my brothers beating the shit out of me.
    "D o you really have to go?" Red is looking at me with a sadness in her eyes. That look cuts me, I'm so use to seeing that fire in her eyes.  These past few days with her have been good, but the time for playing house is over and I got to get back to pulling my weight with the club. My woman has my clothes packed for me, my boots cleaned up. A man could get use to this treatment.
    "Yeah, baby, I have to.  If you need anything, you just tell one of the brothers and they will get it for you. Unless you need fucked, you better call me if you want fucked."
    "Just remember one thing while you are on the road, this...," she takes my hand and rubs it over her pussy, "this is the only pussy you can touch."
    "Fuck, you are killing me Red. I don't have time to do all of the things I want with your body. I'm already running late." She is tearing me up inside, I have never had such a hard time walking away from a woman. It wouldn't be so bad, but I don't know how long I am going to be on the road. Slim has me going to one of our extended clubs to talk business after I am done with my run.  They want to set up a distribution warehouse for the shine business. This deal could be huge for us. Normally Slim would handle a deal this big, but with all the shit that just went down with Hook, he needs to stay at the

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