Grid of the Gods

Read Grid of the Gods for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Grid of the Gods for Free Online
Authors: Joseph P. Farrell, Scott D. de Hart
Septuagint Greek of the verse, the word “them” is actually “them,” but with one difference, the word “them” here is also masculine in gender, but lacks a second repetition of the word “them” in the feminine gender. Thus, while the verse can certainly be interpreted in the traditional manner with the masculine “them” as a pars pro toto usage designating a male and female “them,” it is also worth nothing that it is capable of bearing a Mayan-like interpretation as well, as indicating a kind of “primordial masculine homosexual-androgyny,” with the subsequent division of the sexes in Genesis chapter two representing a kind of “second creation;” this little-known possibility would in fact lead to many interesting speculations in the early centuries of Christianity, but this is not the place to delve into them. 20
    As we turn from this suggestive passage and all the previous allusions to the topological metaphor in the Popol Vuh to a consideration of the actual structures of Meso-America themselves, bear in mind that deep knowledge and the implied deep physics, for now it begins to come home to roost; and with it, we also see the beginning glimmers of the reasons for the practice in these societies of human sacrifice.
    B. The Structures 1. Tikal and Chichen Itza
    We will begin this technical exposition at Tikal in CentralAmerica. The first thing to be noted about Tikal is that it lies exactly120 degrees longitude west of Giza, in other words, exactly one third the distance around the world from Giza. Here there are five large Mayan pyramids, which are unusual in that they are all taller than they are wide. In this, the Mayan Pyramids — like their mythology —suggests connections to India, where similar temples are in evidence at Madurai:

    The Madurai Temples in Southern India
    There are five such elongated pyramids at Tikal, and like the temples of Maduari in India, they all have a temple-like structure at the top of the edifice:

    Layout of Tikal 21
    Munck gives the heights of these temples as follows:
1) Temple I: 154.8 feet;
2) Temple II: 142.7 feet;
3) Temple III: 177.8 feet;
4) Temple IV: 228.6 feet;
5) Temple V: 188 feet. 22
    Additionally, each of these Temples incorporates some harmonic of the number 656, usually at the level of the platform on which the temple atop the structure rests. 23
    Three of the temples — II, III, and IV — face east, temple V faces north, and temple I faces west, and again, the center of the compound is 120 degrees west of the Giza prime meridian. Moreover, each of these temples, with the exception of temple II, all have ten steps or terraces, with the temple atop the tenth. Temple II has three major terraces. But most importantly, all these temples are all, per Munck’s classification, corrupted pyramids, that is, they are stepped pyramids with corners and faces , and all of them are higher than the width of their base. For the moment, we will forego the counting of corners and faces on these monuments to comment on the second fact concerning these pyramids: that they are taller than their base.
    It is this fact that leads us into the deep physics that these structures were possibly designed to access, for all pyramids have one property in common: they all have some relationship of base-to-height proportional to π divided by two, that is, the basic formula of all pyramids is:
    where h = height, b = base.
    This point recalls remarks concerning secret Soviet research into pyramids that I wrote years ago in The Giza Death Star Deployed , which are cited at length here in order to illuminate the relationship of thethree basic types of pyramids and the deeper underlying physics possibilities that they embody:
A much more substantial research into “pyramid power” was undertaken in the former Soviet Union where several large pyramids were built and their properties investigated at great expense. The research is being

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