leave the city."
He put his hand on the butt of his pistol and shook his head. I could tell he was struggling with what was going on. I guess we all had to deal with this in our own way.
"We've decided to go ahead and leave and go to her mothers. I just don't think it's going to be safe to stay here. We are older and we cannot defend ourselves like younger folks." He said. “You all take care of yourself. Hopefully, this will remedy itself and we can go back to normal.”
As Tony closed the door behind him, I felt my throat begin to tighten again. We needed to leave and it needed to be now. Or at least first thing in the morning. I looked at Tony, hoping he could see the stress in my face and would understand that leaving was the smartest thing to do.
"Don't worry babe, we’ll be fine." He said.
I knew he had already dug in his heels. He wasn't planning on leaving. So I needed to make the best of it. I actually contemplated leaving without him. But I couldn’t. He was my husband. My commitment was to him above all others.
I shrugged my shoulders. I just needed to get busy so that I wouldn't keep thinking about what was coming.
Tony had no idea what was in store for us. Hell, I only had a clue. I remember Katrina and how things ended up down there. At least this wasn’t a hurricane.
My mind shifted as I began to locate all the candles around the house. While I was at it, I located all the batteries I could find, taking them out of remote controls and other things we wouldn’t be needing. I hoped I could find enough to keep some flashlights going.
I remembered that I also had one of those shake flashlights in the truck as well as one of those wind-up ones that would charge the battery. I just wish I had put everything where I could find it.
As I went upstairs I stopped to answer the call of nature. Out of habit, I flushed the toilet. It dawned on me that the sewers would eventually back up once the pumps stopped as well.
“Ugh!” I said out loud to myself, not wanting to think about how to deal with our own wastes.
Camping. Pretend that we are camping. How would we deal with it if we were camping?
That was the easiest way for me to come to terms with how to do some of the things that I needed to do.
I decided for today, we were safe. As long as there was water to flush, then we could flush. But as soon as the water stopped, no more flushing. Then we would have to come up with something else.
If we had to, I would make a toilet in a bucket with the toilet seat. I had seen it done on a video and filed it away in my brain in case I ever needed it.
I had a container of cat litter. That could work as a substitute. We could also use the half bag of peat moss I had in the shed. Leaves and dirt were also an option. We had a ton of leaves we just raked up that were in a pile in the back yard. Worst case scenario, we would dig a large hole out in the yard and bury it, keeping it away from any water supplies.
Okay, I think we have enough options, but I will deal with it later. Right now, I just needed to try to figure out how to keep us fed and watered and clean.
There was so much to do. I kept wishing I had prepared better.
I went to see what Tony was doing. He had pulled out all of our ammunition and firearms and was taking an inventory of what we had.
We both paused and looked at each other in silence. The implications of having to actually use our weapons were something neither of us took lightly. But we both knew we would if we had to.
Let’s just hope we won’t have to.
It was starting to get dark now and I was having a hard time seeing what I was doing.
I went over and flipped on the light switch out of habit. Damn. We have become so used to having power so readily available that we have become a bit spoiled in this country.
I look for one of the lantern type lights and turn it on. The cold glow doesn’t