Gray Skies

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Book: Read Gray Skies for Free Online
Authors: Brian Spangler
Tags: Science-Fiction
removed from the past, they’d only ever known their world as it was today. What would happen later that afternoon? It could be like lifting a blanket that had covered Earth for centuries; the thought of what might be revealed was frightening.
    “I’m scared, too,” Sammi said, jumping up as questions exploded in her mind. “Tabby, you’re right to be afraid. We don’t know what the world is going to be like when the fog lifts. We don’t know if it can ever be like the world that Andie just showed us. We just don’t know.” She felt the stares of the children and her peers pressing on her, but she didn’t think that they were seeking out a classroom laugh. She thought they were feeling it, too: uncertainty.
    Sammi found Declan’s eyes, and he gave her a nod. She found Tabby’s eyes again, and continued. “But, Tabby, think about what we could find, and what we’ll be able to do! Think about being able to run, to actually run as fast as we want! Or to look up into the sky! Our sky! Who knows, but maybe the birds will come back? Maybe butterflies? Maybe we can grow our food outdoors , and plant our fruit trees outside , and see them grow taller than we are. Just maybe we can do better than we are doing now.” More of the class was nodding, and their eyes began to show enthusiasm, along with something else. Sammi couldn’t put her finger on it, but Declan could. He smiled, and told the class the most important thing—the one thing that Sammi had forgotten to mention.
    “And we’re going to see the sun!” he cheered, and began to clap his hands together. The classroom joined in, as did Ms. Gilly. More importantly, Tabby started clapping, too.
    “Okay, class,” Ms. Gilly began, nearly yelling over the raucous cheers, while she thumped her hand against the top of her desk. “We’re calling it an early day so that you can all prepare for this afternoon. By the looks of what my time-piece is reading, we’re at approximately seven hours from the End of Gray Skies . That leaves plenty of time for each of you to go to your dwellings, and do your check-ins with your floor advisors. They won’t mind that it is early—not today, anyway. That should also give you enough time to do your share of Communal work. But, keep in mind, in seven hours, you will want to be with your families and friends, and…” Ms. Gilly stopped mid-sentence. The disruption pulled Sammi’s eyes up. Grabbing at her mouth, Ms. Gilly seemed overwhelmed by what she was about to say. Sammi could see the emotion in the trembling beneath Ms. Gilly’s fingers, and feel her sentiment.
    “In seven hours, you will want to be with your families and your friends when the sun comes out,” Ms. Gilly finished with a shudder in her voice. Sammi wondered who Ms. Gilly would be standing with. She wondered who she called family. Surely she had friends, but she had missed her time; she’d never have children of her own.
    Ms. Gilly stood behind her desk, gesturing small waves to the children as they left her class. Sammi wanted to run up to her and wrap her arms around her, kiss her on the cheek, and thank her for being their teacher for so many years, but the sudden feel of fingers touching her own pulled away her thoughts. Declan stepped in front of Sammi, blocking Ms. Gilly from her view.
    “Are you ready?” he asked, and motioned toward the door. The butterflies yawned and stretched inside her, pushing out a broad smile that she couldn’t hide, no matter how hard she tried. Declan was intrigued, and bumped her arm with his. “What is it?” he questioned, as Sammi tried again to stifle her grin.
    Finally giving up, she answered, “I’ve got a secret.”
    “A secret?” Declan sounded more intrigued.
    “I’m going to tell you what it is… later.”
    “I promise!”
    Sammi grabbed her things, and held Declan’s hand as they waved goodbye to Ms. Gilly.


    Surprise was on the faces of both Declan and Sammi, as they

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