Grave Danger
rolled his eyes, not believing the
story was anything but a ghostly tall tale. His girlfriend on the
other hand loved everything paranormal and was more than eager to
share her ghostly encounter. She believed her hotel room was
haunted and wondered how she could investigate it. The tour guide
was more than pleased to tell her that back at the shop, where they
began the tour, were EVP’s and other paranormal hunting devices to
outfit her as an amateur ghost hunter.
    “ So, do you really think that woman saw a
ghost?” Clarissa asked Henry. “You know that ghost he described? It
sounds a lot like someone I know,” she said with a half grin. “What
do you think?”
    Henry folded his arms, shook his head in
exasperation and nodded in agreement. Richard loved to put on a
show for the people, a left over trait from his living days. Most
of the paranormal activity in the city was conducted by him or
somehow connected with him. “That’s the kind of shit Richard lives
for – or dies for, either one – you know what I mean. I’m only
surprised he didn’t steal anything. But I guess it’s good for
business; can’t be a haunted city without haunting the living.”
    Clarissa laughed, causing a stir in the air. The
street lights dimmed and brightened, causing someone in the crowd
to scream. The tour guide calmed her, trying to tell her that
ghosts are usually not malevolent and to think of them as wandering
spirits not demons.
    “ Oh, sorry,” she said sheepishly. “Did I make
that happen? I didn’t mean to.”
    Now Henry laughed, this time causing the street
lights to blink on an off in rapid succession. More people screamed
and you could hear the tour guide yelling over the startled voices
as he assured them that no one was trying to hurt them.
    “ You’re as bad as Richard, Henry.” Clarissa
scolded him good naturedly. “When I did it, it was accidental. Now
make the lights stop blinking before you give those poor people a
seizure or a heart attack.”
    “ I’m just keeping up business, remember?” he
explained with a devilish grin. “I’m making sure those people are
getting their monies worth. Hopefully they’ll go home and tell
their friends and family what a great experience they had in our
city and convince them to come for a visit as well. Word of mouth
is a strong tactic in business.”
    The street lights darkened, plunging the streets
into darkness then in the next second they came back on, burning
overly bright before returning to normal. At first the group was
completely silent. Standing motionless as if afraid that even
though everything appeared normal and safe, something could easily
pop out and kill them. That wasn’t far from the truth. After a few
hesitant moments the group of livings took the opportunity to move
on to the next destination on the walking tour.
    “ I think they got their monies worth and then
some.” She watched as the group ambled away from them, some of them
huddled together for protection from the things that darkness
hides. “I even think you made a believer out of some of them.”
Clarissa noted the man who had earlier looked so bored and
uninterested, now scanning every little shadowy corner, waiting for
the night creatures to leap out and attack. He held tightly onto
his girlfriend’s hand, clutching hers in a death grip.
    “ We need to go now, Clarissa,” Henry said, all
the lightness of a moment ago gone. His tense, clipped words
worried her. Just like that something had changed, the situation
turning serious. “I didn’t realize how late it was getting and I
need to get you home before it gets any later.”
    They continued onward, their leisurely pace replaced
by hurried steps. Clarissa didn’t understand what had changed from
a few minutes ago, but whatever it was, she realized that the
darkness was something not only the living feared but the dead as
    “ Henry,” Clarissa nearly shouted, “Slow down,
you’re walking too fast. I can’t keep up.

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