Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7)

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Book: Read Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7) for Free Online
Authors: Candace Blevins
knew the first thing I should get started on was having myself named their biological father. The MC has a stable of attorneys, but I didn’t think any of them specialized in child custody.
    I let those thoughts fade as we went from interstate to back roads and I felt the wind on my body as I effortlessly glided through the twists and turns. Before I knew it, we were dismounting and undressing, and then we were wolves.
    The wolf doesn’t care about researching to find the safest car, or figuring out how to find the best attorney, or any of the other things I now had on a lengthy to-do list. The wolf’s instincts are tuned into the here and now, and he wanted to hunt .
    Our paws pounded out a chaotic rhythm as we ran through the forest. We don’t often run in daylight, but we were safe from humans seeing us here and I breathed in the sunshine as if it were sustenance. We came to a meadow filled with wildflowers, and I dropped to the ground and rolled. The heat of the sun felt good on my fur, but I smelled a field mouse and my instincts had me back on my feet as I pounced on it. The little mouse was only a few bites but it was young and sweet, and I smelled to see if there were more. I found four more and caught three of them, but they were mere appetizers and I stood and sniffed the air to see if I could scent a deer. I smelled rain in the distance so the deer should be out feeding even though it was a little early for them.
    Brain growled and ran, and the rest of us followed because his growl told us he’d smelled something worth chasing. Within minutes, we’d topped a hill and spotted a herd of deer. I immediately set my sights on a doe on the outskirts, and the other wolves followed my lead. They helped me corral her where we wanted her, and then they let me take her down and have the first, warm bites as I tore into her throat. We feasted on venison, and then made our way back to the meadow and cleaned our fur in the glorious sun.
    Too soon, Duke head-butted me toward our bikes. I wanted to stay wolf, but he insisted. We growled at each other a little, until Bash plowed into me from the side and rolled me, and I faced off against him, too. I snapped at him, he snapped back, I jumped on him and he rolled me, but I kept us rolling until I was on top and my teeth were around his throat, threatening without biting. Brain was the next to slam into my side and knock me down, and I realized they weren’t going to let me stay out here.
    We didn’t run back to the bikes, we trotted, and we took several detours to investigate smells, and once to play in a small stream.
    Eventually, though, it was time to shift back and I had to fight my wolf for control. I change from human to wolf in seconds, but it sometimes takes a few minutes to return to my two-legged form — and it hurts . The wolf doesn’t want to let go.
    I didn’t change back with everyone else, but a hundred yards inside the forest, out of the sight of my brothers. They could smell my distress, but at least they didn’t have to see it. When I made it back to the bikes most of them were dressed, and I silently stepped into my underwear and jeans. I didn’t say anything until I’d buckled the belt.
    “Thanks. I needed that. My wolf needed it, too.”
    Duke slapped my back and ruffled my hair. “We’re always here for you.”
    I nodded, “I know, and I love you all for it.”
    I’ve said it before, but the MC is my family, and I love them. Even lone wolves crave a pack, and I’d found mine. There were lots of hugs and slaps on the back, more verbal confirmation about how they’ll always have my back, and then I finally put my shirt and boots on.
    I looked to Brain as I stood after lacing my boots. “I need the best child custody attorney in town.”
    I could tell it was on the tip of his tongue to ask if I was sure, but instead he said, “Ethan’s wife Samantha is a divorce attorney. I assume she’ll have plenty of experience with custody cases. The

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