anytime soon. “Sure.”
Good. All it takes is a simple
phone call, okay? That’s why
we gave you the cell phone.
“I’m really, truly sorry, Scott.
Robyn and I just got to par…uh,
talking, and I lost track of time.”
Okay, Kristina. I can understand
that. I know it’s been a while
since you’ve spent time with a friend.
He’s letting me off this easy?
Unreal. “Yes, it has. Thanks
for understanding, Scott.”
Just don’t forget you won’t find
a better friend in the world than
the friends you have in your family.
S cott Takes Off to Play Golf
Jake is at a friend’s.
I put Hunter down
for a nap, decide to try
one myself. My
might be doing
jumping jacks, but my
body is shutting down.
It feels like a lead anchor,
in a sea of quilt,
tugging me toward repose.
I’m drifting. Sleeping?
A parade of
floats behind my closed
eyes. An ethereal Robyn
grins, her ecru face
into a vampirelike apparition.
Right behind her comes Trey
(predator or prey?),
and hungry as a winter-
starved coyote. Segue
to Grady, Grade-E loser,
convenience store
slave and crystal meth
submissive, followed
by Leigh, my absent,
sister, with her lesbian
lover, the cheerleader.
Then Mom and Scott, who
must suspect the
side of last night’s adventure.
So why didn’t they lash
out at me, bombard me
questions, search my stuff,
smell my breath, something?
Do they just not want
to know for sure, stress
themselves with such
Or have they, perhaps,
simply given up
on me?
T hat Feeling
Of wanting to sleep,
desperately needing sleep,
fighting the monster for sleep,
reminds me of one reason
I have been happy to leave
the meth in Hunter’s wake.
Though it’s calling to me,
Just one more little toot,
I simply will not give in.
I will keep the monster in
check. I am stronger
than any addiction. Right?
Somewhere, a telephone
rings. I swim up into gray
afternoon, the inside of
my head thick as chowder,
tug myself from bed,
go to find the offending bell.
I don’t get there quickly
enough. Hunter wakes
at the alarm, and by the time
I reach the phone, nap-wet
baby soaking one arm,
the caller is midmessage.
… haven’t been out your way
in a long time. I figured
your eighteenth birthday
was a good excuse. Besides,
I want to see my grandson
while he’s still a baby. We
should hit Reno on the twenty -
eighth, so save a few hours
to celebrate with your old man.
M y Dad
Is coming for
a visit?
(Why now, after
all these years?)
And not just
any visit,
but on the weekend
of my birthday,
when Leigh is
also coming for
an unexpected visit.
Leigh, who still
refuses to speak
to the father who
left her in his dust.
A visit now,
the same time as
Hunter’s baptism?
I can just hear
Mom: That bastard
has to plan
a visit to Reno,
a place your sister
and I figured he’d
forgotten about?
Why does he have to
remember it now?
I Expect Her to Say
Exactly that. She doesn’t.
But what she does say is enough
to make you cover your ears.
I never knew my mom could
have such a foul mouth! You
fill in the blanks. They scare me!
That mother——ing sonofabitch!
Did he spend all year, waiting
for just the right——sucking
moment to f—up what should
be a perfect day? He has no
——ing right! No right at all.
I simply cannot believe
that pr—would dare show
his face around here,
not after last year. And as for
his wanting to play “grandpa,”
I really don’t think so!
I’m conflicted about his plans.
I want no confrontations, no bad
blood. (Especially not if it’s going
to be spilled in the baptismal
fount, or over the icing on
my birthday cake!)
But, despite everything that
went down over my summer
in Albuquerque, I want to see
Dad again. He’s a freak, true,
and a piss-poor father.
But he still belongs to me.
M om Is Still Ranting
And suddenly she