a devoted pilgrim were bastards. Two half-whites, one half-black. All minus their fathers.
Ah love…true love for that matter was a unicorn indulged in by men and women with charmed lives. They had plenty of time to worry about petty stuff like relationships. They didn’t have issues with money, identity and surviving life in general.
Now, she hadn’t kept her virginity all these years because of some romantic sentimentality. She just didn’t have time for romance and all that shit. Her goals for her future came first than anything else. Her eye-popping GPA would prove that.
She had more important things to think about than having a boyfriend. She’d reckoned she had to lose her V-card at some point. Practicality dictated she should get rid of it before she graduated from college, at least, to prepare her for her professional life. A woman who knew sex was a woman who knew how to navigate the corporate world ruled by men, which she intended to conquer in the near future.
She had some vague fantasies about how to lose her V-card to some lucky bastard but none of them included a guy who looked at her like she was a damn freak after satisfying his lust with her thrice.
That ungrateful wretch! A woman would only lose her virginity once. The least he could do was say thank you! He got it way too easy! Though she wouldn’t put the blame on anybody but her stupid self, she will not stand for any man ridiculing her choices in life no matter how hot-looking he was!
She just planned to doze off for a few hours last night, bone tired from cleaning the entire apartment after coming off of her day shift at a restaurant she was working in as a waitress. She took two jobs to save extra cash for her expenses not covered by her scholarship next semester. She was entering her third year now at the University of Miami, taking up a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy.
She had a headache so she took a paracetamol. No wonder she was slow to wake up when that bastard started molesting her! By the time she came to, it was too late. He already lay siege to her body.
He forced her. Had she been awake, she would never—
She sighed. That was not true. She could have fought him for real. But she didn’t. She allowed him to take her. Because she wanted it, too.
That was the truth.
She scrubbed her skin harder, wanting to remove the memory of his touch. Okay, she was not the first idiot to commit this kind of screw-up but it was certainly not the end of everything. She can walk away from this and carry on with her life, with her plans. Move forward. Forget this ever happened.
She finished her bath quickly. Fresh from the shower, her self-recriminations draining with the water, her composure was restored to a certain degree. She hoped she could hold it down until she was out of this damn building, never to return again.
He was in the military, he’d said. Owning a digs like this, he must be high-ranking now. All the more reason to get out of there fast. The last thing she needed was to get involved with a man from the service. She detested his kind. Silver-tongued liars who promised the moon and stars to every woman who was stupid enough to fall for it.
Yeah, yeah, serving the American people with their very lives. I get that and thank you, American soldiers, but my father was a bastard for spawning a bastard like me and leaving me to live with my mother who’d slept with enough GIs that could fill an entire USS.
But still, she had to thank that mother who was able to identify the father of her eldest child and wise enough to appeal to him to help her enter the United States so she can have a better future. Luckily, her mother had a sister in the US too, who turned out to be a decent human being married to some decent Puerto Rican migrant.
Now here she was, six years in the United States, struggling to get a college degree. She wasn’t totally down on her luck as God had blessed her with enough IQ to be able to graduate as
Dick Morris, Eileen McGann
Conrad Anker, David Roberts