Ghostwalker 05 - Deadly Game

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by a total stranger, her enemy, a man who would have killed her. She was not just attracted; the feeling was all-encompassing. She wanted to soothe away his hurts. She needed to find a way to take away the stark loneliness she saw in him.
    Somehow Whitney had paired her with this man. He didn't act as if he reciprocated, and Mari was ashamed of herself. She detested the men in the breeding program for their lack of discipline and control, and yet she was acting nearly as bad. This was a horrible situation and one that wasn't going to be easily overcome.
    What did she want anyway? To sleep with him, just as the men did with her? Did she think he was going to fall madly in love with her? There was no such thing. Love was an illusion. According to Whitney, it was their duty to sleep with their partner in order to have a child. So far, she had resisted, and she'd been punished numerous times, but the idea of intimacy with Brett, of all men – a vicious brute of a man who enjoyed inflicting punishments – was a little too much for her stubborn streak.
    Ken hadn't pulled away from her, and she let him go, the heat of his skin burning into her palm. He refused to look away. She could feel his gaze on her, and she shook her head.
    "You know Whitney," he said.
    "So do you. Why don't we know each other?" Her lashes lifted, and she silently prayed she was wrong, that he wasn't going to have any effect on her. His eyes met hers, and her stomach did that stupid flip she was beginning to hate. The tingle of awareness spread, becoming a rush of heat that made her breasts tighten. She wanted to cry. It was wrong to manipulate anyone sexually – even soldiers raised on duty and discipline.
    "Whitney has several experiments going. We're just beginning to understand how many.
    He adopted female babies from foreign countries and experimented on them. Regardless of his security clearance, no one was going to authorize that, so he kept the girls hidden using various means. Briony was adopted out to a family, but he kept tabs on her, insisting on mapping out her education and training as well as sending his private doctor to monitor her health. I met her a few weeks ago."
    She tried not to react. It could be a trick – a setup. Another test. Whitney often tested them, and if they failed, the consequences were dire. She said nothing, just stared up at his face. The mask gave nothing away. She was good at reading people, but not him. Even touching him gave her no information, only a strange, soothing peace. And she shouldn't feel peaceful; she should feel alert. Could it be a new kind of interrogation drug? She almost wished it were. She feared it was the beginning of an addiction to a man, and that was simply not acceptable.

    "You're identical twins, obviously. She looks just like you."
    Mari turned her face away from him, knowing she couldn't hide her expression. She had longed for information on her sister for years. Now, here it was, if she could believe it.
    Dropped straight into her lap, and how big of a coincidence was that? She bit her lip to keep from a sarcastic reply. It had to be a setup. There was no way she could casually meet this man and have him know her long-lost sister. But even if he was lying, she was so starved for news of Briony she wanted him to keep talking, and that was just plain pathetic.
    "Are you listening?"
    Of course she was listening. "I like fairy tales."
    "I can stop then. I wouldn't want to bore you." He stepped away from her, back toward the shadows, away from the light. It was the first restless move she'd seen him make, when he was so in control. The movement reminded her of a great caged tiger, pacing with impatience and frustration. He needed to be outside, in the mountains, away from civilization. He was too wild, too much of a predator to be caged in a house.
    "I was enjoying the story." Had she revealed too much, or had she managed to sound as if that was all it was to her – a fairy tale? She wanted

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