Ghostly Liaison
name sounded vaguely familiar. Bridget massaged her temples and the pain lessened, but her heart still pounded from being startled.
    “That’s because he doesn’t know. So why did you ignore me?”
    “What are you talking about? Is that why you ran off earlier?” Which made more sense than assuming she had spoken with a hallucination. The woman was clearly a squatter, so of course she’d run off earlier. “I’m calling Rob.” Bridget hurried to her backpack, which sat on the kitchen counter.
    “Umm, you might not want to do that. He’ll only think you’re crazy.”
    Bridget froze. The word crazy tended to do that to her.
    Charlie materialized in the kitchen. “But you’re not crazy.”
    Shit! How had she done that? Wasn’t she just by the fireplace? A moan escaped Bridget’s mouth. Good Lord, she was hallucinating again. What else could it be?
    She needed to lie down. It had been a long and stressful day and she was tired. That’s all it was. She was sure of it…almost.
    Without making eye contact, Bridget turned and scurried to the bedroom. She quickly closed the door and leaned against it. Eyes closed, she concentrated on calming her racing heart. Thank God her father had stashed her suitcases in the room. No way would she go back out there tonight.
    “You can’t get rid of me that fast.”
    Bridget jerked backward—rattling the door—and opened her eyes. Her hallucination stood mere inches away. Dread came crashing around her and she slunk to the floor. It wouldn’t be long before the men in the white coats carted her away. And to think her life had been getting better.
    * * * *
    Way to go, Charlie . Appearing out of thin air had only made things worse. She needed Bridget calm, not on the verge of a heart attack. But how else could she get through to the woman? Knock on the door? Yeah, right.
    Charlie backed up a few inches and crouched. She could have lowered herself to be at eye level—walls and floors no longer a barrier—but why risk it? “Please don’t freak out. I need you to be calm. Do you hear me?”
    “Are you my punishment?” Bridget asked as she covered her face.
    Punishment? Shit, she’d never been anyone’s punishment before. Well, except maybe Robbie’s, but that’s what little sisters were for. “Hey—this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me. You’re the first person who’s been able to see me.”
    “Which just goes to prove I’m crazy.” Bridget flew her arms out and flung her head back against the door. “Of course I’m crazy. I’m talking to a hallucination.”
    “Hey! I’m not a hallucination. I’m a ghost.”
    “What’s the difference?”
    “A hallucination isn’t real.” Charlie straightened and tapped her chest. “I’m real.”
    Bridget gestured toward Charlie. “So says the hallucination.”
    Well, this wasn’t going anywhere. “Listen. I can prove I’m real. It’s just going to take some work on your part.”
    “And I can prove you’re a hallucination and it won’t take much work at all.” Bridget stood, took a deep breath, and stepped toward Charlie.
    What did Bridget hope to accomplish? Neither a hallucination nor a ghost was corporeal. Charlie closed her eyes. A person walking through her body was a bit disconcerting and not one of her favorite activities. Not that she could see inside them. That would be gross. But damn if she would get out of the way.
    The collision was unexpected.
    Charlie opened her eyes. Bridget’s widened.
    “Holy shit!” Charlie grabbed Bridget’s upper arms and her feet hit the ground. She grinned. “I can touch you!”
    “You’re real?” Bridget’s voice barely squeaked out.
    Joy wrapped around Charlie and she hugged Bridget close. How could this be? Sure, she’d moved some furniture around, even got the lights to go on and off a couple of times, but never touched the object. “Oh my God! You feel warm!”
    Bridget shoved, dislodging Charlie. “And you’re cold. What are

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